
  • Let's see.  What am I getting from DC?


    Adventure #528 continues with more Legion Academy stories


    I've added American Vampire to the pull list (#17).  I might buy the spin-off American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest off of the shelf as well (#2)


    Fables has been on the pull list for a long time (#107) and the spin-off mini-series Cinderella: Fables Are Forever is even better than the parent title right now (#6).


    I'm still enjoying the Green Lantern franchise so that means Green Lantern Corps #62, Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #12 and War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath by Tony Bedard.


    Have I mentioned yet that I started picking up iZombie?  Well, I have.  The July issue is #15.


    Legion of Super-Heroes #15 is still on the pull list- and I've had fun with the Legion of Super-Villains story so far- but I have to admit that it's one of the weaker titles I buy.


    I've been waiting for New Teen Titans: Games for a long time so I'll buy that as soon as it's out.


    And finally, Tiny Titans (#42) remains a treat for kids and parents alike.




  • Games...yay!


    I'm picking up most of the Green Lantern, Batman, and Superman books now.  I get Wonder Woman for my sister who's a big fan.  The Batman and Tiny Titans books from Johnny DC are faves of my girls.  From Vertigo, I buy iZombie as issues and The Unwritten and Cinderella in trade.

  • Batman Inc

    Batman & Robin

    All three Green Lantern titles, probably. I might drop Emerald Warriors after War of the Green Lanterns is done.

    Flashpoint- just the main mini series. The jury is out if I'll pick up any of the spinoffs, some look interesting though.


  • A new Archives line? Wow!

    Of course, I'd rather they continue the SA Superman line than branch off into Lois Lane.  (I like these stories, but I'm perfectly content to read them in the Showcase Presents format.)  But any new Archives, especially a new line, shows that DC hasn't written off the format yet.

  • DC Retroactive: The 70s, huh? Well, they say you can't go home again but I'm going to try!

    If I were going to restart the Archive editions, I'm not sure that I would pick Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane as my initial offering. I'm just saying!

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