- "Oh, just go away with your stupid having fun". I knw the feeling.
- "I am not Nick." Ah, very funny.
- "Daleks answer to no one."
- "Daleks learn." Albeit slowly.
- "Daleks are patient." What? No, they aren't!
- "Daleks do not store stuff."
- "Daleks do not have managers." Isn't the Supreme Dalek their manager?
- "I think Jeff might live here.":
- "Oh, Jeff, you bad, bad man."
- "Daleks are never sorry."
- "My friend Lauren actually says that good-hearted weirdos are aactually the keepers."
- I like how Nick beat the Daleks by ducking.
- "No dissing my mate, that's my job!"
- "Daleks are not fair."
- I did like the scenes between Dan and Yaz, and later between Dan and the Doctor. Like Catherine Tate, Bishop is good at both comedy and drama.
- "Daleks are not worried." Well, you should be.
- "Ex. Terminated." I'd have been tempted to blast him for that gag,
- "Dalesk do not have friends." Well, if you weren't such jerks all the time...
Not too bad. I'm not a big fan of time-loop stories - they'e almost always goingto end in a re-set - but this one came out OK.