Captain Comics replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"We went ahead and watched the rest of it Saturday, just because we'd started it and it's Scorsese. But I agree with you 100%. It's a pretty good movie, but we've seen most of this before, and better (Goodfellas, Casino, etc.). It needed to be better…"
11 hours ago
JD DeLuzio replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"While I personally wouldn't call it the scariest, it's an excellent film which I've watched a couple of times now."
16 hours ago
Richard Willis replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"Wait Until Dark (1967)
I’ve seen this several times. I guess it’s one of my favorites. The IMDB trivia page says:
In his non-fiction book Danse Macabre, Stephen King declared this to be the scariest movie of all time and that Alan Arkin's…"
21 hours ago
Richard Willis replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"You neglected to mention that the last one was a TV show. One that horrified me first thing yesterday."
Travis Herrick (Modular Mod) replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"The de-aging effects are a bit uncanny valley to me, since the faces are middle-aged, but the bodies look and move like those of 70-year-old men.
Holy crap, this is what I told my friends when I saw the movie.
Is there any reason we should continue?…"
JD DeLuzio replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"We finally saw My Neighbour Totoro (1989). I've watched some anime, but not this famous family-friendly one. But a couple of years ago, when we needed to replace our second car, my wife found a good deal on a Toyota Matrix. It had a small Totoro…"
The Baron replied to PowerBook Pete, the Mad Mod's discussion Anything, Everything, or Nothing At All
"RIP  Gene Hackman
"I was gonna make espresso.""
Jeff of Earth-J replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"It just occurred to me: I have the novelization of the 2001 Burton film. Although I haven't read it, sometimes the novelization crystalizes plot points left unclear by the movie itself (case in point: the novelization of Ang Lee's 2003 Hulk film).…"
The Baron replied to Wandering Sensei: Moderator Man's discussion What Comic Books Have You Read Today?
"Captain America & Volstagg #1
Godzilla vs. Chicago
Justice League Unlimited #4
Ultimate X-Men #12"
Captain Comics replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"My wife and I started on The Irishman, but didn't get very far. It seems like every other gangster movie Scorsese has done, only now all his favorite actors are way too old for this. The de-aging effects are a bit uncanny valley to me, since the…"
The Baron replied to Jeff of Earth-J's discussion Diamond Distributors Files for Bankruptcy
"Not sure if this is related to the Diamond Bankruptcy, but Dark Horse Digital is shutting down."
doc photo replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"This past weekend we had a Sunday matinee re-watch of The Empire Strikes Back. It reminded me how much I love the original trilogy. It also brought home the disappointment in much of what has come since under the Star Wars banner."
The Baron replied to PowerBook Pete, the Mad Mod's discussion Anything, Everything, or Nothing At All
"This is something that I remember the Commander mentioning years ago,but which I never saw until today: The ending of an episode of Wild, Wild West where Alan Hale Jr. had filled in  for Ross Martin."
Jeff of Earth-J replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"PRINCE VALIANT (1954): I have been reading Prince Valiant lately (as some of you may have noticed) and decided it was time to revisit this film. First, it is very "Hollywood." It takes quite a few liberties with the source material (although certain…"
doc photo replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"I came away from the theatre disappointed with Burton's take on POTA. Re-watching it at home a couple years later it put me to sleep - the only POTA film to do so."
Feb 24
Jeff of Earth-J replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"PLANET OF THE APES (2001): We watched this one just because we watched the four other 21st century "apes" last week. I felt then that we should have started with the Tim Burton movies, even though it had nothing to do with the rebooted series, so we…"
Feb 24