1)Another one with an interesting commentary track - Davison, Sutton, Fielding and Colin Baker, the closest we've had to a commentary with two "Doctors" on it.
2)This story falls victim to the "we're filming in a foreign locale, so by Rassilon, we're going to SHOW you the foreign locale" syndrome, as most of Part Four is Team TARDIS running around Amsterdam. Nothing against Amsterdam, mind you, it just doesn't add much to the story, beyond confirming that aliens occasionally visit other places than southern England.
3)Maybe it's me, but the kid who plays Robin has an odd-sounding voice.
4)Ah, the Ergon, proof, if nay be needed, that the Myrka wasn't the only goofy monster in the Davison era. One expects it to go "MEEP! MEEP!"
5)Ah, there's the late, great Michael Gough, looking somewhat uncomfortable in his Time Lord costume. They should have had him turn out to be the Celestial Toymaker in disguise.
6)And there's Colin Baker as Maxil, giving his most impressive Doctor Who acting performance. Seriously, he makes a much better heel than he does a hero. Now, as for that hat...
7)Wow, the Chancellery Guard pretty much has their heads handed to them by Nyssa! I am ashamed of the Daleks for having so much trouble with these people. Sutton is very good in this. At least she got one story in which she got something to do.
8)Nothing against Ian Collier, but he doesn't quite live up to Stephen Thorne as Omega.
9)Gallifrey, a.k.a. "The Badly-Decorated Conference Center of Rassilon"!
)Some fun quotes:
- "There are many other repairs to do." Wow, Nyssa gets him alone and starts nagging him.
- "Impulse laser?" What an odd line.
- "Only twice before in our history has the recall circuit been used." Let's see, "The Deadly Assassin", and when else?
- "I was only following orders." "Also, I was in Switzerland during the war."
- "Nyssa, my good friend, Councillor Hedin." Of whom we've never before heard.
- "It is given to very few to supervise the destruction of a Time Lord. It has in fact happened only once before." Morbius, I presume.
- "I hope you know what you've done!"
- Part One: Maxil shoots the Doctor!
- Part Two: The Doctor is terminated!
- Part Three: It's too late. Omega controls the Matrix!"
- Part Four: The Doctor is stuck with Tegan!
A mediocre story somewhat redeemed by some good scenes with Sutton. Omega deserved a better comeback story than this. Moffat being such a fanboy, maybe he'll do soemthing with him in the new show.
[Part of list of Doctor Who episodes here.]
They're really not very good at this, are they?
You're right.
To be fair, the Daleks didn't get the job done on the Master, either.
AND he even does the funky chicken when he gets shot ;)
Well, not EVERYTHING on Gallifrey revolves around The Doctor.This could as easily have been a plot thread for a later story (not that something like that happened often in the original run) BUT if it WAS related to The Doctor, I would guess "The War Games"
As opposed to the Warp factor laser? LOL!
I agree. Overall an interesting enough story with likely the only TV appearance of Amsterdam not to reference prostitution or drug use. The one thing is that it had been mentioned about the overcrowding of The TARDIS. Given a choice, I don't think I would have had Tegan come back & I would have liked to have seen more of just The Doctor & Nyssa as a team. I felt the characters worked well off one another but maybe that is just me.
I would have liked to have seen more of just The Doctor & Nyssa as a team.
From what he's said, Peter Davison agrees with you there.