Thanks to my good friend Jeff (Not that Jeff, a different one!), I got to hear a Doctor Who audio adventure that I'd never even known about before. It's a fun story - Ian Chesterton, Steven Taylor, Sara Kingdom, Polly and Nyssa find themselves on a mysterious space station, caught between Daleks, Sontarans, and ravenous dinosaurs. They're all quite pleased when the Fifth Doctor shows up - although most of them don't recognize him at first, but they soon discover that he's got concerns of his own.
The companions are voiced by their original actors, and they all sound in good form. Each companion is presented as capable, and each is given a chance to shine. It makes you want to hear more form these characters. It's never quite explained how Sara is alive again, although it is hinted at a little. I haven't heard to many of the Big Finish audios, so perhaps this is discussed elsewhere. Nick Briggs does his usual good job voicing the Daleks, and Dan Starkey voices the Sontarans, managing to sound rather alot like Kevin Lindsay and Derek Deadman.
It's a fun, exciting little story (it's about an hour long), with ties to "The Five Doctors", and I'm very grateful for the chance to have heard it.