I set up an Event for Dragon*Con 2009 a while back, but I wanted to post in the forum for added visibility. In the past, Mark Sullivan has asked about Dragon*Con's dwindling focus on comics. And, yep, the comics track pretty much shriveled up to almost nothing for the last few years. This year, however, the con is shining a very bright spotlight on comics with a Comics and Pop Artist Alley.
Guests include:
Mike Mignola
Eric Powell
Jimmy Palmiotti
Amanda Conner
Darwyn Cooke
Paul Dini
Franceso Francavilla (Bought three prints from him last year.)
Michael Golden
Cully Hamner
Tony Harris
Georges Jeanty
Paul Jenkins
Jim Mahfood
Tara MacPherson
Dean Motter
Laura Martin
Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl)
Dan Brereton
Bob Burden
and more!
Plus, the con is hosting a 10th Anniversary Inbred Hillbilly Hoedown for The Goon.
I'd love to see some of y'all in Atlanta next month.
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Forgot to mention George Perez. I know a lot of these people attend Heroes Con, too, but I'm glad they're coming further south this year. However, Mrs. Beyond and I hope to make it to Heroes Con next year.
Forgot to mention George Perez. I know a lot of these people attend Heroes Con, too, but I'm glad they're coming further south this year. However, Mrs. Beyond and I hope to make it to Heroes Con next year.
HeroesCon is certainly a lot cheaper! For years it was $20 for three days; they only raised it to $30 this year. I have to say the $90 DragonCon membership fee gives me pause. The one-day prices aren't cheap, either.
Keep in mind that Dragon*Con offers round-the-clock programming starting Thursday evening and continuing until Monday afternoon. Plus, the earlier you buy your membership, the less it costs. I think we paid $75 per membership, which makes our per-day average rather reasonable. Dragon*Con is also more of an all-media con than what I perceive Heroes to be. Heck, D*C even has a science track for those who prefer to learn about what's going on in the real world of science.
I would go but I always go to Illinois at that time. My parents always have a Labor Day get together for the family. I asked Mom if she was still going to do it and she is.
HeroesCon is certainly a lot cheaper! For years it was $20 for three days; they only raised it to $30 this year. I have to say the $90 DragonCon membership fee gives me pause. The one-day prices aren't cheap, either.