Fans of ERB may be happy to discover (as I just did) that Fall River Press has begun issuing reasonably-priced paperback collections of the Tarzan and Mars series (3 volumes of each in print right now), with a 1-volume collection of the Caspak novels and a combined At the Earth's Core/Pellucidar volume on the schedule for later this year. Better yet, Amazon has all of these on its 4-for-3 list.
I have my fingers crossed that these sell well enough to get the entirety of all three extended series back into print. (And if they bring Carson of Venus back into print, my head just may explode.) I don't know what anyone else's experience may have been, but I find it pretty much impossible to find most of these books even in used book bookstores any more (and have for years). I'm tickled pink at the prospect of being able to finally read many of the OOP ERB novels I've pined after.
Excuse me, did you mean to say "Tarzan and Mars" or was that "Tarzan ON Mars"?
Either way, I'd like more clarification of what this is about.
The former -- the Tarzan series (3 books so far) and the Mars series (ditto).
I'm sure somebody, somewhere, has written Tarzan on Mars, though. Heck, since ERB sent Tarzan to Pellucidar, I'm almost suprised that he didn't do it.
What books are you looking for? I have a local used bookstore with a deep, deep ERB collection that's reasonably priced ($1 to $5 each). I just bought the first Pellucidar book for just a few bucks. They have at least 15 different Tarzan books and six or seven Mars titles. Not sure about Carson of Venus though. (I used to own that, but ditched it at some point without even reading it.)
Speaking of Tarzan ...
Doctor Hmmm? said:
I think he went to Mars during Gray Morrow's years on the Sunday strip.
It took quite a while to collect them, but I proudly have all of the Mars and Venus books, as well as most of the Tarzan paperbacks, though not all from the same publishers and editions.
But does anyone have a complete list of Burroughs works outside of those 3 series? I'm uncertain whether or not I've read or even have everything outside of the two planets and the jungle.
Lumbering Jack said:
If that's an offer, John, I'll check my bookshelves ...
Quite a few years ago, I found a bookstore with a pretty sweet selection of the old ACE paperbooks (the small ones), and I picked up a number of ERB books of various types (Tarzan, Carson, non-series titles like The Moon Maid ... even Mars books, which I didn't even need). The problem is that I never got around to reading (most of) them, and they're now so old and fragile that I'd rather leave them intact than try to read them and risk them falling apart. {sigh}