Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"January 16 is Appreciate A Dragon Day for fantasy fans so, courtesy of the Grand Comics Database..."
22 hours ago
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"Sometimes the villain has to do good, whether they want to or not. (Image courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"Okay, since it's after midnight Eastern time, I'm going ahead and posting my cover for January 14 early but, considering the history of the two characters featured, I'm honestly not sure if there is only one monster on this cover from the Grand…"
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"Almost didn't make it today but, courtesy of the Grand Comics Database..."
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"On the other hand, there's also the potential consequences of Global Warming/Climate Change. (Image courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"One good sci-fi adventure deserves another. (Image courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"I'm posting these two side by side because of their eerie similarities. The Grand Comics Database says they're both Sheldon Meldoff inking Dick Dillin's pencils, but is it just coincidence or something else."
Jan 10
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"Unfortunately I have nothing to honor Jimmy Carter with today, so here's one of the "tamer" Mystery In Space covers, courtesy of the Grand Comics Database."
Jan 9
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"Menacing cloud creatures aren't limited to just the Earth Peter. (Image courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Jan 8
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"It has been below freezing in my area since sunset January 2 and it's not expected to get back above freezing until sometime next week at the earliest so, courtesy of the Grand Comics Database...

Jan 7
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"Monsters weren't limited to just the science fiction genre. (Image courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Jan 6
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"In all honesty, I'm surprised this one hasn't shown up yet. (Image courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Jan 5
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"Continued from yesterday.
Yet sometimes the menace attempts a rematch. (Images courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Jan 4
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"If it's monsters you want, I think Adam Strange holds the record. (Image courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Jan 3
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"One genre I truly love is Science Fiction and since today is Science Fiction Day... (Image courtesy of the Grand Comics Database.)"
Jan 2
Lee Houston, Junior replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day
"HAPPY NEW YEAR! Almost didn't make it tonight because of family commitments but everyone had a good time.
As already pointed out, some of last month's covers qualify for this month's theme but here's one I held back until now because R. Crumb…"
Jan 1