Dark Horse - No Dark Horse Presents or Usagi Yojimbo this month...so no Dark Horse.
DC - Wow...I'm buying a lot of Batman comics these days...Outsiders and Sirens are really the only ones I'm NOT buying. I'm so happy to see Xombi back and I hope the original series is collected soon. I get a bunch of the Johnny DC titles for various kids. The only monthly Vertigo I pick up is iZombie. I read Unwritten in trade.
IDW - OK, they got me on the new Rocketeer Advenutures...a great line-up of creators and the character is a big sentimental favorite of mine. I'm still enjoying Kill Shakespeare and my sister, who studied at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon, loves it. Matt Smith's Doctor seems to lend himself much better to comic adventures than Eccleston or Tennant, so I'm getting both new Who comics, the ongoing and the Fairytale Life mini.
Image - Holly likes Proof a lot...but no issue this month.
Marvel - I'm ordering Sigil and Ruse. My girls' babysitter likes the Marvel Jane Austen comics, so Emma is on the list. FF, Spider-Girl, and Amazing Spider-Man have become this mini-family of titles and, thus, I'm reading all three. The Marvel Adventure books are read and given to various kids. My secretary is a big Misty Knight and T'challa fan, so I order Heroes for Hire and Black Panther for her. I've actually, for the time being, given up on the X-books. I'll be back someday, I'm sure.
Archie - I order most of the Archie books to give away. My girls like the smaller size graphic novels and Sabrina has one this month. Life with Archie is one of my personal faves, so it's on the list.
Boom! - Any title starring a duck, minus Darkwing, I order. There is a $1 Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck issue this month. Huzzah! My neices love Mickey Mouse, so I get his book for them.
Dynamite - Kirby Genesis by Kurt Busiek earns a look and it's only a dollar.
Oni - Holly is a BIG Courtney Crumrin fan so the second issue of her mini-series is ordered.
Top Shelf - And I'm a BIG Colleen Coover and Paul Tobin fan, so Gingerbread Girl makes it.
Magazines - I've always ordered the UK Doctor Who magazine, but in April the US gets its own version, Doctor Who Insider. Both my girls and their babysitter get their own copies of that one.
How about you?
TALES OF BATMAN (BY GENE COLAN): Interesting, but ultimately I gave it a pass. Good stuff inside, though. You Bat-fans might want to consider this one.
AQUAMAN: DEATH OF A PRINCE: You know, I own the original issues of the comics reprinted in this collection but I’ve never read them? I’ll read them now.
JACK KIRBY OMNIBUSSTARRING GREEN ARROW: I’m not so interested in the Green Arrow stuff since that’s been reprinted before (and if it were just that, I’d give this one a pass), but where else am I going to find all of the other oddball stuff he did for DC in the late ‘50s? And in a single volume? Another no-brainer.
SHOWCASE PRESENTS DOC SAVAGE: I don’t usually let sentiment dictate my purchases, but this is my version of Doc Savage. I wish there were more reprints of Marvel magazines from the ‘70s which were intended to be seen in b&w.
LI’L ABNER Vol. 3: No explanation necessary.
ARCHIE’S JOKE BOOK: I didn’t pre-order this one because this getting to be an expensive month, but if it ships on a light week and looks good, I may buy it anyway. (I’ve been buying a lot of Archie stuff lately!)
BREED III: Breed is probably my least favorite Jim Starlin property, but “bad” Starlin is still better than good ‘most anybody else. I own the Bravura material, so I’ll likely re-read it all in a sitting.
KIRBY GENESIS: ‘Nuff said.
I also pre-ordered the DVD of the first eight episodes of the 1953 “Terry and the Pirates” TV show. I’ve seen collections of this on VHS and DVD in the past, but I’ve never seen the show itself. For me it’s a win/win: either it’s good and I win, or it’s bad and I win in a completely different way.
That’s not everything I’m buying in May, of course; just the notable ones.