I thought it was pretty good. I'm looking forward to the film. I can't say I saw anything new at all here, but the costume looks cool. I have to say that about all of the Ant-Man I've read was what he did in FF, which was a very Fraction/Allred take on it, so probably not the most definitive. I did buy the first issue yesterday of his new series, though.
I read all the Ant-Man and Giant-Man comics in the Silver Age. I always loved the Wasp and wish she was going to be in the movie. I've never read any of the Scott Lang stories.
The Scott Lang story about rescuing his daughter in Marvel Spotlight was one of my 'seminal texts' as a kid. I read it over and over again. It was very good, Perez or Byrne art, I think, and consequently I have a huge fondness for Scott Lang. Bendis got his Bendisverse off to a bad start for me by killing him! One of the few benefits of being my age is that lots of people in the position of producing comicbook movies have the same touchstones as myself!
Although Dark Knight Returns has been done enough by now. Let it go!
After Guardians of the Galaxy, I wonder if there's anything Marvel Films can't do well. In retrospect, it might have been a good thing that Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and X-Men were unavailable when Marvel Films launched, because it forced them to develop the B- and C-list characters (remember when Iron Man was B-list?) instead of just plucking the low-hanging fruit. And they've done a helluva job.
Anyway, the promo looked like it was a father-daughter tale, which should pluck a few heart-strings. And Rudd is a likable fellow. Also, the implication so far is that Henry Pym WAS Ant-Man, but on the down low (snicker) and has retired. That Janet van Dyne isn't listed in the credits but daughter Hope van Dyne is suggests that the Wasp existed, but is dead.
I guess we'll see soon enough ... and I think I'm actually looking forward to it.
I thought it was pretty good. I'm looking forward to the film. I can't say I saw anything new at all here, but the costume looks cool. I have to say that about all of the Ant-Man I've read was what he did in FF, which was a very Fraction/Allred take on it, so probably not the most definitive. I did buy the first issue yesterday of his new series, though.
I read all the Ant-Man and Giant-Man comics in the Silver Age. I always loved the Wasp and wish she was going to be in the movie. I've never read any of the Scott Lang stories.
The Scott Lang story about rescuing his daughter in Marvel Spotlight was one of my 'seminal texts' as a kid. I read it over and over again. It was very good, Perez or Byrne art, I think, and consequently I have a huge fondness for Scott Lang. Bendis got his Bendisverse off to a bad start for me by killing him! One of the few benefits of being my age is that lots of people in the position of producing comicbook movies have the same touchstones as myself!
Although Dark Knight Returns has been done enough by now. Let it go!
After Guardians of the Galaxy, I wonder if there's anything Marvel Films can't do well. In retrospect, it might have been a good thing that Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and X-Men were unavailable when Marvel Films launched, because it forced them to develop the B- and C-list characters (remember when Iron Man was B-list?) instead of just plucking the low-hanging fruit. And they've done a helluva job.
Anyway, the promo looked like it was a father-daughter tale, which should pluck a few heart-strings. And Rudd is a likable fellow. Also, the implication so far is that Henry Pym WAS Ant-Man, but on the down low (snicker) and has retired. That Janet van Dyne isn't listed in the credits but daughter Hope van Dyne is suggests that the Wasp existed, but is dead.
I guess we'll see soon enough ... and I think I'm actually looking forward to it.