Don't give them any ideas. We'll end up with a show about Charlie Xavier and his buddy Magnus (or whatever the heck Magneto's name is these days) arguing about mutant rights while they try to get Norman Osborn's company shut down because the waste he's throwing out illegally is creating mutations.
It's weird that in the article the reporter refers to Fox wanting to put "their" X-Men on TV. If it happens, I hope Marvel Films is in charge!
My first reaction was "how can a live-action X-Men show be good if it's cheap enough for TV?"
But I guess Smallville and the current Flash series have proved it can be done.
If Fox thinks it's the same thing as doing the Gotham show they're kidding themselves.
Don't give them any ideas. We'll end up with a show about Charlie Xavier and his buddy Magnus (or whatever the heck Magneto's name is these days) arguing about mutant rights while they try to get Norman Osborn's company shut down because the waste he's throwing out illegally is creating mutations.