From Marvel Comics

Aug. 3, 2011


Greg Pak’s Epic Hulk Saga Concludes in INCREDIBLE HULKS #635!


Marvel is pleased to present your first look at the last chapter in Greg Pak’s legendary  Incredible Hulk run in Incredible Hulks #635, the milestone issue that no fan can miss! Joined by acclaimed artists Paul Pelletier & Tom Grummett, the Jade Giant takes on Fing Fang Foom in a battle so big, that only a monster sized issue can contain it.


“I've loved every minute of writing the Hulk for these last five and a half years, so a billion thanks to everyone at Marvel and all the fans and retailers who made it possible,” said Pak. “This final storyline and especially this final issue bring together all the big themes I've been exploring with the Hulk since page one of Planet Hulk. Get ready for some shocking character revelations -- and an ending that literally no one will see coming.”


“The Incredible Hulk was always a book that I wanted to pencil,” added Pelletier. “…yeah, I did some back-up work on it in the early 90’s, but being the ‘regular’ penciller was something I was itching to do. Being the artist on this last story arc is kind of’s weird to know that I’m helping wrap up a book that was started by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby so long ago. Crazy stuff!”


“I was fortunate to work with Greg on the four part 'Spy Who Smashed Me' storyline, which was full throttle fun from the start,” said Grummett. “My good fortune continues in being invited to take part in his final Hulk story, capping his historic run, and wrapping up one of comics longest running series. I'm honored to have been given a seat on this very special ride.”


When the dust finally settles, how will Bruce Banner’s life forever change? Find out this month as the final issue of Incredible Hulks goes out with a  gamma-irradiated bang in, Incredible Hulks #635!  






Written by GREG PAK



Variant Cover by PAUL PELLETIER

Variant Cover by ADI GRANOV

Blank Variant Cover Also Available

FOC—8/8/11, ON-SALE 8/31/11


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  • Give them time.
  • They have to get to Yellow Hulk, Orange Hulk and Purple Hulk first!


  • ....
  • Strange is working with Rick Jones and She-Hulk in the preview. Hulk and Strange are still, er, estranged.
  • She gave him what-for in the previous issue, before allowing him to help -- and they needed his kind of help. She hasn't forgiven him, but she'll accept the help. It read pretty plausibly to me.



  • Pak is probably the single 'new' writer in Marvel who has impressed me the most in recent years.  Really solid writer and with great ambitions for what can be done in superhero comics.


    It was unfortunate that his post WWH work was intertwined with Loeb's incomprehensible (and quite nasty) Hulk comic, which has put me off really getting into Pak's HUlk stuff as I should.  Hoping to catch up soon from the library.  (I have Son of Hulk by my bed at the moment.)


    It's great if Pak is really getting to wind up in the current comics what he has been doing since Planet Hulk.  Does Pelletier really think that the "book that was started by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby so long ago" is really being wound up now?  It has been 'wound up' before and will be again!  (The first time was with issue 6!)


    I don't mind them spruiking their wares like good capitalists, but I get annoyed when they say things that they know no-one believes!  That makes charlatans of us all!

  • My take on the Illuminati sending the Hulk into space was a way to save the Earth and the Hulk. They attempted this before and did so again to prevent a Kill-The-Hulk scenario, and the way that Marvel raised the destruction level with the Hulk at the time, that was the logical conclusion. They wanted to send him to a nice, uninhabited world with no one and nothing to bother him, a Hulk preserve, if you will. With his intelligence constantly fluctuating, it seemed like a good plan but, as we all know, the plan went horribly wrong, leading to World War Hulk.

    Mark, you shouldn't treat the Hulk like a super-hero because he's not. He's an immensely powerful being continually being chased and shunned by a frightened population. He's not evil but angry and will lash out at horrible cost. That's not the Hulk you grew up with, I know. It's not the Hulk I grew up with, either but it's the Hulk they had then and may have again.

    Also the Illuminati are not a hero team. They are those among the hero community making tough decisions. You might not agree with them. Heck, I'm not thrilled that they were retconned into existence because the concept still doesn't work. Doctor Strange is one of the wisest people on Earth. She-Hulk knows this. She did not like what they did but, I think, part of her understands why they did it because part of her would want them to do the same to her, if needed. It was done to save lives, including the Hulk's.

    I know the day is coming that Doctor Strange and the Hulk will reunite. Deep down, they are friends though both have done terrible things.

    "Stupid Magician! Leave Hulk alone!"

    "I wish I could, my friend but the Earth needs her Defenders once more! Can you not put away your anger and do what is right, what must be done!"

    "Hulk will help if only to shut Magician up!"

    Mark S. Ogilvie said:

    But Jen doesn't mind that he and the rest of the Iluminati sent her cousin to a planet?  I'm sorry Cap I know I shouldn't be saying this but when you take out the normal human reactions from the characters I just... can't find it in me to care about them that much.  I mean would there really be anything serious about the Hulks' loosing this battle?  Or winning it?  Give it a few months and they'll be working with the monster their fighting.
  • Your problem, Mark, is that your memory is far better than the Marvel heroes! :-)

    By that I mean, they barely remember Siege at this point, let alone World War Hulk. And they are totally involved with Fear Itself right now, which, I feel compelled to add, ain't exactly doing the Hulk any favors!

    Just to toss you a couple of questions:

    1) What would have been your solution to a rampaging and very destructive Hulk?

    2) Having read Civil War: Front Line #1-5, I found that She-Hulk was very much a cog in Tony's machine. Is she not a "hypocrite" as well?

  •  I would have asked Bruce Banner if he wanted to go to another planet.


    ...But the Hulk might have been listening.

  • Or it would have made him angry!

    Figserello said:

     I would have asked Bruce Banner if he wanted to go to another planet.


    ...But the Hulk might have been listening.

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