Hogan's Alley #18 is now out!

  The latest issue of Hogan’s Alley is now out (I know because mine arrived), and it was well worth waiting for! And that’s not even based on my two articles on comic books, discussing why gorillas were so gosh-darn popular and why staying dead is so gosh-darn unpopular. 

You can check out an overview here: http://scoop.diamondgalleries.com/public/default.asp?t=1&m=1&c=34&s=259&ai=116650

and buy your very own copy (and back issues) here:http://www.cagle.com/2007/11/subscribe/
Warning: Don't look too closely at the cover, or that image of the gorilla may compel you to buy a copy automatically!
-- MSA

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  • Rumor has it that the book review section is particularly awesome, too.

  • I wondered when you were going to show up here to point that out.

    -- MSA

  • I gave up on trying to find this at the local Books-A-Million and ordered it direct. I got it in the mail last week and have read the two Mr. Silver Age columns and enjoyed them a lot. You have much more room in this title than CBG, but then, it only comes out about once a year. Comic book gorillas and comic book deaths, a winning combination indeed.

    I'll get to the reviews eventually. Since I've cut way back on what I'm purchasing, reviews are my guide to quality comics these days.


  • ...I guess publishing schedules have pulled back your deluxe article on the comic book incarnations of the Phantom , though , MSA ???????????????????

  • That's a lot of wishful thinking there, ED. There's almost no chance of me doing something on the Phantom for HA, or anyone else. It's way outside of my wheelhouse, having a long, long history with publishers I never much followed.Not to mention I was never much of a fan, even when his strip ran in a newspaper I read, so I doubt if I've got even a couple of his comics in my collection. But you could write and ask about it--certainly some of HA's writers could do something.

    If I was ever going to have done him, it would've been in the decade or so when I was doing the Page-to-Panel column for HA on adapting comics from one medium to another. He'd have been a great example, but I don't have the source material, and gathering it would have been a major effort, considering the strip is still running and he's still a big comics star overseas.

    HA's publishing schedule has actually been pretty consistent for a good long time now, coming out about once a year. This current issue nearly didn't make it, but he buckled down and got it out before the year was over, more or less.

    That annual-sometime schedule makes it a little tough now that I'm doing the "current" comics column, since I wrote the last one six or seven months before it appeared, so I didn't even know there would be a New52, much less be able to comment on any of it even as people were reading the third or fourth issues of it as the article came out. But I like a challenge.

    -- MSA

  • ...Actually , I was joking re: you having stated your non-familiarity with The Ghost Who Walks earlier .

      Oh , the " comic-book versions of newspaper strips " column is over and done ?  :-(  Bummer .

  • Yeah, I ran out of topics I could do. They took an enormous amount of research even when I knew what I was talking about (insert joke here), and I couldn't think of any more that I could plunder from my vast comic strip and book collection.

    But Tom wooed me back to do the gorilla piece, and then asked me to start doing the current comics column. I don't know that much about current comics, but I figure once a year I can figure out something.

    -- MSA

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