Knights of the Dinner Table reached 200 this month. It's gone from a small press humor title about a group of gamers to a title with a fully involved and complex group of characters and numerous back up features. It's always good to see that.

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  • I haven't read KODT in a long time. Since I quit gaming for a while, I couldn't justify paying that price for half of a book. I always found the strip hilarious though, and major kudos to them for making it to issue 200. I've known a few people who don't game at all who love the book. I think that speaks quite highly of the quality of it.

  • I don't think I have ever read it, but my friends who game just love it. One guy has a whole shelf dedicated to its trades! They always say I should try it, but alas so little time and so many things to read. 

    Congrats to KoDT!

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