"The de-aging effects are a bit uncanny valley to me, since the faces are middle-aged, but the bodies look and move like those of 70-year-old men.
Holy crap, this is what I told my friends when I saw the movie.
Is there any reason we should continue?…"
"Tower had some great artists, and some mediocre ones, and some lame ones. I think the first story was by Steranko, so it got a great start. Since it was Code-approved, though, the stories didn't really rise beyond the level of concurrent House of…"
"My shop has been on time throughout this fiasco, because my LCS owner drives down to Diamond's Olive Branch (Miss.) warehouse and picks up his boxes every Tuesday (and puts them out before opening Wednesday). It's probably the only shop in the…"
"Funny you should say that: They ARE by Steranko. The fourth panel is by George Tuska, the fifth Neal Adams, the sixth Wally Wood. I can't ID the last one."
"Diamond didn't ship last week, at least not in time to be put on the shelf. Diamond didn't ship on time this week, either; in fact, the Diamond boxes did arrive today, but too late to be put on the shelves. That means they'll be on the shelves next…"
"Back in the '90s, I went to a lot of comic book shows (that is, gatherings where vendors sold their wares, as opposed to "conventions" which featured celebrity guests). I always enjoyed monster comics when i was a kid, so just so I wouldn't go home…"
"Diamond shipped late today, but at least there was a new Previews catalogue (#437), so that's sometning, I guess.
The new series Lost Marvels (from Fantagraphics) looks interesting.
The never-collected horror anthology series featuring stories by…"
"I don't have the warm fuzzies many do for the turtles — born too soon — but I assume I'm an outlier. - I don't either, although I did enjoy the original series. I do like to dip my toe in their universe from time to time though, like Last Ronin, but…"
Described as "an ongoing, zig-zagging anthology series about the compromised clicks of our clocks-full of one-shot stories both beautiful and ugly, tragic and redemptive, surreal and somehow all too familiar.""
"SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN by DeMATTEIS & BUSCEMA OMNIBUS: An omnibus of J.M. DeMatteis and Sal Buscema's Spectacular Spider-Man (#178-216+) has been solicited for July release. These are some good comics, but they're not great comics. To be perfectly…"
"This is the third week in a row Diamond has not shipped on time. for some reason, Previews did ship, but only three copies. I inquired about it, so I got one. My LCS also receive two nonconsecutive issues of Comic Shop News. "
"Last Wednesday's Diamond comics shipped to my LCS on Monday, but today is the second week in a row they have failed to ship on Wednesday.
Diamond's response: "We're workingon it.""
"AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #262 FACSIMILE EDITION - I could be wrong, but you can probably find the original in a back issue bin cheaper than $4.99. I certainly did.
ABSOLUTE JUSTICE HC - I remember thinking it was fine, but forgetable. For me it was also…"
"This has actually been on my radar for a little while, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. Like Richard, it is Aubrey Plaza's presence that intrigues me. I will endeavor to watch it...or not. I haven't decided yet. hahaha
Happy Birthday.