In its third season, iZombie remains one of my favorite comic-to-TV adaptations. As fun as DC's superhero shows can be, the writing on iZombie tends to be more crisp and funny, and the fact that the show isn't officially broken down into "heroes" and "villains" gives it more room for some great swerves in character and behavior. Good guys can be jerks; bad guys can be sweet, and have their hearts broken. And so many people and businesses get awesome pun names. (My favorite is the Blackwater-style paramilitary.contractor, Fillmore Graves.)
That said, last night's episode was the first time the brain Liv ate (which makes her adopt some personality aspects of the dead person) made her absolutely insufferable not just to her co-workers but to my wife and I as we watched it. The personality implants are usually deployed well -- and sometimes give Liv a reason to behave in an awful way the sets something bad in motion and not have us completely blame her for it. But this one was just annoying, and the plot upsides it provided could probably have been achieved without bugging the hell out of the viewers.
Regardless, though, that's just one episode out of a stellar series. And I'm so glad it'll be coming back for season 4.
In its third season, iZombie remains one of my favorite comic-to-TV adaptations. As fun as DC's superhero shows can be, the writing on iZombie tends to be more crisp and funny, and the fact that the show isn't officially broken down into "heroes" and "villains" gives it more room for some great swerves in character and behavior. Good guys can be jerks; bad guys can be sweet, and have their hearts broken. And so many people and businesses get awesome pun names. (My favorite is the Blackwater-style paramilitary.contractor, Fillmore Graves.)
That said, last night's episode was the first time the brain Liv ate (which makes her adopt some personality aspects of the dead person) made her absolutely insufferable not just to her co-workers but to my wife and I as we watched it. The personality implants are usually deployed well -- and sometimes give Liv a reason to behave in an awful way the sets something bad in motion and not have us completely blame her for it. But this one was just annoying, and the plot upsides it provided could probably have been achieved without bugging the hell out of the viewers.
Regardless, though, that's just one episode out of a stellar series. And I'm so glad it'll be coming back for season 4.