Journey Into Mystery

Boy howdy is this a good book; is anyone else reading it?


This is one of the first titles I started picking up when I started collecting again a few months ago, and it is absolutely one of the best. With Thor off in his own newly-renumbered series, Loki (reborn after his death at the hands of the Sentry in Siege) has taken over the old series' numbering and original title.


Kieron Gillen is doing a tremendous job bringing the mythological angle of the Marvel universe fully into play here, as he continues the stories he started in his brief run on Thor last year. Tying in so far with Fear Itself — and far outshining that title in terms of quality — we see Loki working his machinations to try to save Asgard from the threat of the Serpent.


What Gillen brings to Loki is a conflicted character: reborn as a youth, the new Loki has none of his old self's penchant for mischief...or so he tells himself, even as mischief finds its way to him.


The most recent issues see him playing Mephisto and Hela off each other for (we hope!) the good of Asgard, and the way Gillen works this story — from the pits of Hell to suburban New Jersey — is nothing short of pure storytelling joy. And Doug Braithwaite's art complements the story crisply and clearly.


Seriously, is anyone else reading this book? Because you absolutely should be.

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  • Yeah, this is a terrific series. It's easy to overlook in the sea of FEAR ITSELF bannered comics, but right off the bat it was a gripping read.


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