"Just finished Earthlings, by Sayaka Murata. interesting story about a woman who comes to believe that she is an alien. Good booik, but there's some really weird stuff in there."
"I'm about two-thirds through Horace McCoy's original novel of They Shoot Horses, Don't They? We recently saw the movie.
The book is worthwhile, and quite gritty. The only concession to the sensibilities of the time is writing "f----" and "f----ing"…"
"Finally finished An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, by John Locke. A page-turner, it was not, but there were some interesting ideas in it. The bit that most stood out for me was the section where Locke discusses why he thinks that having …"
"Oh, yeah... I kinda remember that: that the movies themselves exist within the "Whoniverse." I think my "explanation" tried to account for them in continuity."
"Right. The novel and one of the TV episodes establishes that the movies exist as movies based on the moviemakers' understanding of who the Doctor is (since the public seems to have some awareness that there's a Doctor out there).
"My recollection is that by and large the old novelizations were pretty "bare-bones", except for a couple where guys novelized their own scripts and included things that the original budgets didn't allow for. The new series novelizations that I've…"
"Coincidentally, I am reading some Doctor who paperbacks myself, concentrating on those written by Terrance Dicks. I started with Doctor Who and an Unearthly Child with the intention of reading only the first three chapters and the last, but it was…"
"Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road, by Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson. Reading the novelization before I've seen the episode berings back memories of my younger says - it's how I first encountered most of the Hartnell and Troughton Era stories."
"I also read that first storyline, because I got the "All In" issue and lo, it was by Mark Waid. And it was weekly, like the old days. Plus it promised Mon-El. I got the last three issues today, and that's it for me on Action for a while."
"ACTION COMICS: Finally! I wish I hadn't promised myself to stick it out through the first storyline. That decision ultimately cost me $61. (#1075 was a buck more expensive than the others.) If this story had been collected in a trade paperback (and…"
"I made the decision yesterday not to buy JSA beyond #1. Other "All In" titles I have dropped after a single issue include: Justice League Unlimited (#1), Shazam (#16) and Superman #19.
ALL IN: I have decided to read Action Comics and Batman through…"
"Twenty-first Century Science Fiction: a fat anthology from 2013 that has been good so far.
(Also contains stories by a number of people with whom I've panelled. None by me, of course )"