Manhattan Projects Volume 6

Manhattan Projects Volume 6

Jonathan Hickman, writer; Nick Pitarra, artist

Image Comics, 2016

Manhattan Projects returned from hiatus with a fresh approach: a series of miniseries, each with its own focus. The series had become increasingly complex, with its political intrigue and several interconnected character arcs. This volume collects The Sun Beyond The Stars #1-4, which the title pages in the collection number as #26-29, continuing the series numbering. It tells the story of cosmonaut Yuri Gagaran and his dog Laika. Yuri went into deep space in search of Laika, but finding him turns out to be only the beginning. The pair find themselves involved in a revenge plot against the Sionnu Science Union, the undisputed rulers of that part of space. It's an adventure story, full of twists and turns, but not nearly as byzantine as the earlier parts of the series. Our heroes accomplish a series of miraculous escapes, but let's just say they do not get a happy ending. It would be interesting to see other self-contained stories like this, but the series seems to have gone on hiatus again--these four issues took almost a year to come out individually, and there have been none since.

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