
  • Marvel gets the bulk of my money these days. 


    The pull list:

    Amazing Spider-Man 665-666

    Captain America 1

    Captain America and Bucky 620

    Ozma of Oz 8

    Uncanny X-Men 540-541

    X-23 12

    X-Men Legacy 252

    X-Factor 222


    The maybe list:

    Alpha Flight 2

    Astonishing X-Men 40

    Fear Itself 4

    FF 6-7

    New Mutants 27-28

    Red Skull 1

    Wolverine 12

    Wolverine and Deadpool: Decoy 1

    Uncanny X-Force 12

    X-Men 14-15

    X-Men: Schism 1-2

  • For sure:

    Fear Itself

    New Avengers

    Secret Avengers

    Secret Warriors

    Invincible Iron Man

    Iron Man 2.0



    Amazing Spider-man- I've picked up a few issues recently but I'm still on the fence as to whether I want to add this permenantly. Spidey is my favorite super hero ever and it's been a while since I've gotten his series on a regular basis. The two issues I picked up (both FF tie-ins) were good but not great. The one where they all remember Johnny was actually really good but the one from last week was merely ok. 

  • Horse races, I guess...I thought last week's was, um, amazing.  That Baxter Building construct in the future was crazy-cool and the Flo Steinberg cameo at the end was pure icing.


  • I'm down to books featuring Spider-Man, the FF, Jane Austen characters, and girls playing tennis written by Andi Watson.
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