I've been reading the various 70th anniversary issues featuring the Timely golden age heroes to various degrees of satisfaction, but the one that actually made me grin from the pure fun it evokes is the one featuring the least known of all the characters so far--Miss America. The best thing about this one is how it evokes a sense of genuinely being from that era. There none of the typical anachronistic modernism that has seeped into stories of this type ever since Roy Thomas penned The Invaders back in the 70s. Miss A looks and sounds just like I imagine she would have had this story been written at the time it's set. Yet, at the same time she's treated with respect by the writer and is presented as competent and heroic. I loved everything about this issue, particularly the setting. Miss A. goes undercover at the shipyards to uncover a Nazi spy ring, and we are treated to dozens of wonderful images of stateside gals done up as Rosie the Riveter proving "they also serve who stand and wait." Writer Jen Van Meter does a masterful job with both a tight plot and a kitchy cool way with words. She had me from her epithet for Miss A.- "Our daring lass with patriotic sass," but she stole my heart with the names of the Nazi spy-gals, "Vichy Vixen," "Fraulein Fatale," and "Penny Panzer."

This is all perfectly complimented by art from Andy MacDonald which evokes the rapid, near scribbling style of the factory artists of the day while still maintaining a smooth recognizable style. Honestly guys, this story is pitch perfect. Oh yeah--there's a couple of reprints of GA Whizzer stories too, but they're like the acts following the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show--good in their own right, but they pale in comparison to what they follow. This is my book of the month so far!

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  • That sounds like a lot of fun! I'll be sure to look for it on Wednesday!
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