Moonshine Vol. 3: Rue Le Jour
Brian Azzarello, writer; Eduardo Risso, art & colors
Image Comics, 2020
This series has been slow, but it continues to build. This installment begins with Lou Pirlo and his lover Delia in New Orleans, seeking a cure for his werewolf affliction from two witches that Delia calls "mother.' They demand a high price, which Lou sets about earning through gambling. It's a dangerous path for him, because it leads him back to drinking and other hazards of the night life. He meets Jean-Baptiste, a man presenting a harmless-looking front. But he's a vodou priest who has a history with Delia. And a deal with the gangsters seeking Pirlo. Meanwhile, Tempest leaves the back woods, ahead of the gangster retribution that is sure to come. Lou's ghosts are back, and Jean-Baptiste urges him to embrace his werewolf side. The climax brings the gangsters and New Orleans together, with Pirlo, Delia and the witches coming out on top. Plenty of set-up for the next installment.