Today on his Facebook page, Kurt Busiek tells us the folks from Westboro Baptist "Church" (quote marks mine) will protest at the San Diego Comic Con on Thursday. I won't give these people the satisfaction of linking to their site, but it's there on the schedule, on the same day they plan on picketing Al Gore. I suppose they figure it's cheaper to do two protests on the same day.
Kurt says it well:
All I can say is, comics fans have handled
worse than you without breaking a sweat, losers.
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I hope the comic fans mount a cool counter-protest and force them away with their tales between their legs. Could you imagine a bunch of fans dressed as the JLA urging understanding and love instead of hate right by these people? That would be awesome.
I think what will be great is the folks dressed as slave-girl Leia or Red Sonja (both male and female) who will go up to these fools and have their picture taken next to them, smiling the whole time.
But what exactly are they protesting and why does it involve a comic convention?
According to the Bleeding Cool link Mike posted above, it has something to do with comic book superheroes being raised up as false idols, and so protesting idolatry or somesuch nonsense.
In that case, they should look in the mirror before they accuse. They have an idol of their own: a hateful, vengeful God that doesn't exist (not in that form). (You may agree, disagree, or not believe in any God at all. I'm cool with that.)
In that case, they should look in the mirror before they accuse. They have an idol of their own: a hateful, vengeful God that doesn't exist (not in that form). (You may agree, disagree, or not believe in any God at all. I'm cool with that.)
I'm sure they're going to say comics promote homosexuality or some such nonsense. That generally seems to be their raison d'être.
Philip Portelli said:
Philip Portelli said:
According to the Bleeding Cool link Mike posted above, it has something to do with comic book superheroes being raised up as false idols, and so protesting idolatry or somesuch nonsense.
Don Collett said: