Every week, one item or another in my pull and hold stands out for me above the rest in one way or another. Sometimes it’s a periodical, sometimes a graphic novel, sometimes a collection. Does that happen to you? If so, let’s hear about it here. It can be an item you’ve long anticipated or something you bought on a whim. If it’s something you were really looking forward to but ended up being a big disappointment, let’s hear about that here, too. I’ve been meaning to start this topic for a long time now, but chose today to post about something I’ve been waiting for a long time, long before it was even solicited.


This is a favorite run of mine, but I’ve read it only twice: once as it was released, and I re-read it once after that. It came out as an “ESSENTIAL” a few years ago, but for this I held out for color.

EDIT: Most weeks I make my picks before I have read them, but feel free to choose either the books you anticipate most before you read or enjoy the most after you have read them.

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    • No, although it looks brownish on the cover, it is definitely red inside. No mention is made of why no one recognizes him as "Mr. Justice" (he doesn't even wear glasses); only Jughead is in on the secret. There are a few "inside jokes" within the story itself, but I basically set aside everything I know about Archie going in. Jamie Rotante wrote a two-page editorial, and he also ran a two-page interview with Tim Seeley and Mike Norton, the mioni-series' writer and artist. I always like it when the creators behind a new series take the time to introduce themselves and explain the series' raison d'être.

  • A new Black Canary book by Tom King.


    Black Canary: Best of the Best #1 came out the same day as the first issue a new Justice League series written by Mark Waid, yet I am confident in my choice.

    [(MILD) SPOILER] I wasn't expecting a ʇsᴉʍʇ, but there's one toward the end that sets up the rest of the series.

  • A new title from AHOY! Comics is always cause for celebration.


  • Even without Steve Rude doing the art, I'm going to have to go with NEXUS:SCOURGE #1:


    (Of course I haven't actually read it yet.) 

  • The first issue of the newest "EC" series from Oni Press.


  • HOWL #1:


    Here's what Captain Comics had to say about the first issue in last week's "Comics Guide":

    This is set in 1950s Greenwich Village, full of writers, musicians, artists and Bohemians of all stripes. It's also set during an alien invasion (a subtle one, involving mycelium, or fungus), but that's not front and center in this first issue. Which is OK, because what we get is freaking brilliant.

    It stars a young Jewish girl in love with a writer, who may or may not be in love with her. He maybe does, but the way he treats her, you wouldn't think so. On the other hand, it's the 1950s -- and women had to put up with a LOT in those days. Her jerk boyfriend isn't really acting outside the norms of most men of the time, so she (and the reader) can't be sure of where she stands with him. And that's before he's infected by the aliens!

    This is some brilliant writing, conveying the social mores and "vibe" of the time. I didn't grow up in the '50s, but its shadow loomed over my childhood, as it did most Boomers. It was pretty much what the rebellious '60s genration was rebeling against.

    Note also that Mauricet signs the cover with a letter M in the same font that Wally Wood would sign covers with the letter W.

    This is great stuff, and we haven't even gotten to the invasion yet!

    "Freaking brilliant"... "brilliant writing"... "great stuff"... yeah, that just about sums it up.



    I haven't read this one yet; here's hoping it is possible to go home again.

  • This week I'm going to give the nod to the first issue of The Herculoids...


    ...but the one I am looking forward to the most is the second issue of the new Badger series (which should have shipped last week):



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