I was underwhelmed, and I can't really say that it was worth the wait. It wasn't bad, it was just okay. Also, to me, it looked liked Cassaday's art took a step back here.
Pretty much agreed. I thought it was a good, fun story in keeping with the more upbeat curve over the past few issues (hope springs eternal and all that.) Would have been pretty near perfect if it had come out 2 months after number 26, and number 28 was on the way in the next 2 months, beginning the next arc of adventures promised by the time travelers.
But as a wrap-up/conclusion/coda to a series that we had to wait years to read? Weak...
I agree with Mickey that we waited much too long for the ending. It would have had much more impact if it had been more timely.
Otherwise, it was a good, but not great, ending. I didn't see any obvious degradation in Cassaday's art, and I was surprised that we actually got a happy ending. I've said before that I'm not a fan of 95% of Ellis' work, but I've enjoyed the entire run or Planetary. At the end of #27, I found myself wanting more stories. I know that's not likely. But a major tenet of show business is "always leave them wanting more", so as far as that goes, this final issues qualifies as a success for me.
But as a wrap-up/conclusion/coda to a series that we had to wait years to read? Weak...
Otherwise, it was a good, but not great, ending. I didn't see any obvious degradation in Cassaday's art, and I was surprised that we actually got a happy ending. I've said before that I'm not a fan of 95% of Ellis' work, but I've enjoyed the entire run or Planetary. At the end of #27, I found myself wanting more stories. I know that's not likely. But a major tenet of show business is "always leave them wanting more", so as far as that goes, this final issues qualifies as a success for me.