SCREAM 4 opens this week-end . ( Wot ? - no Roman numerals in the title ?
What has happened to our nation's educational system ??!?!?!?!?! ) I even bought the ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY w/a cover story on it .
I liked the original trilogy much . Although...
...Oddly enough , I missed Scream 2 ( The top grosser of the 3 , too , per EW . )
I even ended up looking at the little back story sidebar in EW's story , not seeing the spoiler they'd put , and got 2 given away to me !!!!!!!!! Oh well . I'd like to catch up on all 3 , b-4 seeing 4 .
I still remember the memorable opening to 1 ( Um - Let's presume that , in this line , the first 3 Screams and all pre-2010 movies may be spoiled , but not after that ? 'Mmmmmmkay' ? ) , with Drew Barrymore's character getting it...
The story said that Williamson does have Scream 5 & 6 sketched out .
Now , I guess we might discuss the slasher movie - Hey , that's what thay , Scream and what it sprung from in general , perjorative phrase among some or not . - here in gerneral - Oddly enough , I am not , historically , a big fan of same .
I've seen not a whole lot of them , over the years .
Really , I assume that the " 80s kids " among here proably have muchmuchmuchmuchmuchmuch more kidhood memories of , say , watching sneaked/parentally forbidden Freddy Krugher or Jason VHSs...
The Scream series certainly showed a lot of continuity , to use a phrase familiar here !!!!!!!!! Heh heh heh...
I guess that all 3 were consistent and internally plausible , and non-suernatural as well...WELL , if you accept that a WHOLE lot of extremely unlikely things happen , etc. !!!!!!!!!!!