Sex Criminals Vol. 5: Five-Fingered Discount
Matt Fraction, writer; Chip Zdarsky, artist
Image Comics, 2018
It feels like there's a time jump (weeks or months, not years) between this collection and the previous arc. Jon and Suzie are completely estranged, and they both seem to be dead inside (although they both claim that "everything's fine"). Suzie has a new boyfriend, but she is just going through the motions. Jon is working at a sex toy store (Cumworld: the sort of outrageous name typical of this series).
Jon is still working against the Sex Police, with the group of Sex Criminals that were introduced in the previous arc. Myrtle Splurge (aka Kegelface) has broken up with Jon's therapist--who is now living with Ana, the aging porn star--but she's still thinking about him, and is starting to push back against her boss Kuber Badal. After avoiding each other for some time, Jon and Suzy show up at a fancy dress party in the same ridiculous Freddie Mercury-inspired fetish outfit.
Suzy fires up her late father's old computer, and finds herself conversing with him via text message, which is not the craziest thing that has happened in this series. She starts examining his old accounts, and discovers a shocking connection to Badal and a stock market insider trading scheme. Next thing we know, she and her mom are staying at a motel because their house burned down...and Myrtle comes into the Frozen Realm to tell her that Badal is probably coming for her. She runs to Jon and they reconcile. Everything is set up for the series finale.