I'm sure sonmeone here will know this (I'd lay a shade of odds on it being Mr. SA or the Commander who answers this, but I'm sure they're not the only ones), but I'm having trouble finding it on the interwebs..
What issue did Gail Manners first appear in?
Thank you.
The earliest appearance I can find is in "Land of the Golden Giants" in Flash #120 (May 61).
Awesome. Thanks, Skipper.
In the 70s she returned in The Flash #269 (the last Julie Schwartz-edited issue), which was written as a sequel to the story in #120. It was also a sequel to an unpublished(1) Kid Flash story that was used in The Flash #325, but with Gail renamed Jill Manners.
In #269 Kid Flash describes Gail's possession of precognitive powers and prediction of the collapse of a discotheque. These were the subject of the Kid Flash story in #325. The bit in #269 about her collapsing after he handled the discotheque collapse was an addition (unless, when it was used, the ending of the Kid Flash story was changed). #269 explained her precognitive powers as a result of their first visit to the past in #120, and at the end of #269 it was indicated she no longer had them.
(1) DC meant to add extra pages and back-up series to its titles as part of the DC Explosion. With some titles this plan was implemented briefly, but due to the DC Implosion it was abandoned. In the case of The Flash extra pages, used for back-up stories, appeared in #265-#267. In the first two of these issues the back-ups featured Kid Flash and the third had an untold story of the Flash (the origin of his uniform). One supposes the Kid Flash story in #325 was intended for #268. DC revived the idea of adding back-up stories to many of its titles when it added extra pages in 1980.
I assume you don't accept the Grand Comics Database's answer: The Flash #120, May '61, in the story "Land of the Golden Giants".
When I answered your question, I didn't see that others already had, so just ignore this.
Awkwardman said:
I probably would have accepted it if I had found it, but I was having trouble finding the answer on-line for some reason. Thanks again, folks!