IDW is publishing some of the most consistently good Star Trek comic books ever. Several months ago, although she refeuses to watch them with me, my wife bought a DVD set of the TOS with enhanced special effects for me. I tried working my way through them for a time, but usually, whenever we watch TV, we watch it together. Eventually I put them back on the shelf but made a mental note the episode I stopped on was Space Seed. Once day last week Tracy had a business dinner to attend, so I watched Space Seed for the first time in many years. In a perfect example of synchronicity, the first issue of Khan: Ruling in Hell came out last week while Space Seed is still fresh in my mind. I don’t have anything else to say about it other than, based on the first issue alone, this series prodes the perfect link between Space Seed and The Wrath of Khan.

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  • Are these at all connected to the Khan hardcover novels that came out a few years back?
  • Not really, no. The first two volumes of that trilogy by Greg Cox (subtitled "The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh") were about the Eugenics Wars. The third volume, To Reign in Hell (subtitled "The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh") covers the same gap as Khan: Ruling in Hell, but the comi book series is not an adaptation of the novel.
  • Too bad, I really dug those novels...

    Jeff of Earth-J said:
    Not really, no. The first two volumes of that trilogy by Greg Cox (subtitled "The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh") were about the Eugenics Wars. The third volume, To Reign in Hell (subtitled "The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh") covers the same gap as Khan: Ruling in Hell, but the comi book series is not an adaptation of the novel.
  • I know this'll sound odd coming from me but I decided to trade-wait this series. I'm glad to read that it will be worth reading when I do buy it.
  • Issue #1 filled the gap between the end of “Space Seed” and the explosion of Ceti Alpha VI. Issue #2 picks up immediately thereafter with a Khan who still has very much faith in Captain Kirk. Throughout the course of the issue we begin to see his faith waver and slowly turn to hatred. Tamas, Khan’s right-hand man from the TV show, in turn begins to lose faith in his leader, and Joachim, Khan’s right-hand man from the movie, begins to step into that role.

    Khan and his people discover Ceti Alpha V’s “only remaining form of indigenous life” (to quote from the movie, not the comic book). Marla McGivers meets her fate as revealed in The Wrath of Khan, however it wasn’t simply an accident as might have been inferred; a faction of Khan’s people used the creatures to control her in an assassination attempt.
  • Khan and his people discover Ceti Alpha V’s “only remaining form of indigenous life”


    I wonder were they edible, at least?  :-)


  • No but they were eating!

  • It just occurred to me that Khan's "This is Ceti Alpha V!" and Decker's "Don't you think I know that!?!" are two of my all time favorite Trek lines ... and they both have to do with destroyed planets.

  • KHAN ISSUE #4: Predictable but solid end to this series, taken right up to the point Khan and his men first discover Captain Terrell and Commander Checkov.
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