Tales from Harrow County Vol. 2: Fair Folk
Cullen Bunn, script; Emily Schnall, art; Tyler Crook, lettering
Dark Horse Books, 2022
This story arc begins with Bernice telling her lover Georgia about the ritual she used to erase everyone's memories of Emmy, other than as someone who had lived in Harrow County once upon a time. She did it to protect the town from haints, and this arc shows why. But the first order of business is rescuing her goblin friend Priscilla, who became trapped in the goblin realm in the previous installment. Georgia accompanies her underground into the world of faeries, goblins and haints, which the haints (who have taken over) use to force her to undo her memory spell. They worship Emmy, and want the townspeople to help them bring her back. All of this was completely unexpected, and things look bad for Bernice and her people. She manages to achieve a truce, but one that leaves goblins and haints above ground again--and the possibility of a future war with the faeries. Schnall is new to the series, but her watercolor art (that's how it looks, anyway; I'm not sure of her process) fits right in. The collection concludes with a sketchbook of her character designs, plus a collection of variant covers.