There was a wonderful add-on/plugin my browser used to have -- I keep thinking it was called writebox, but Google can't find it for me under that name -- that would let me right click on a message board box and pull up a new window with many more options for HTML coding, all available through an interface. Then I would save it, and it would show up on the screen like I'd intended. 


But last November, our computer crashed, and when we rebuilt it the plug-in got lost in the shuffle. And since then, I haven't been able to remember what it was.


Does anyone know?





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  • I discovered a site that allows you to generate HTML text that's not too unweildy, so long as you save it for special occasions.





  • Write Area is the one I use.


    I'm pretty sure I read about it here, but I could be wrong. I use it all the time, including to design my signature. (Which I cut-and-paste for each post.)


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  • Write Area -- that's the one I was using! And yes, I heard about it hear, at the Time of the Great Migration.


    Thanks guys!

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