... is Brightest Day #14.

I'm not kidding.  I'm not exaggerating.  I don't mean "this week" or "this month."  This comic was so dramatic, so emotional, so life-affirming. 


Boston Brand has spent this series trying to find "the chosen one" and get rid of the white ring.  In this issue, Brand is shot by one of Mr. Freeze's henchmen.  While at death's door, the ring shows him his life in a "Ghost of Christmas Past" montage.  Finally, the ring shows him the moment of his death.  Brand shouts at his former self, trying to warn him.  When that doesn't work, he cries out to the ring: I don't want to die!  I want to live!  The ring challenges him: Then live!  Brand has been treating his new life and his quest as a chore.  It's not.  It's a privilege. 

(end spoilers)

Life is a privilege.  Somehow, Deadman forgot that and needed to be reminded of it.  His epiphany is a powerful moment for the reader as well.  Rarely has a comic (or song or novel or movie) affected me like that.  Wow. 

Congratulations, Geoff Johns.  And Peter Tomasi and Ivan Reis and Joe Prado and everyone involved in this comic.  This is comics at its greatest.

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  • It was a pretty good issue, wasn't it? I realize that doesn't make me agreeing with you 100%, but I liked it really darn well. I like that it really helped to humanize Deadman. He and Dove are a pairing that I'd never dreamed of before, but I like it.

    This issue really is a game-changer, as well as being much much better than the previous issue. I'm excited for what's going on right now.
  • Well, the previous issue did focus on Hawkwoman/Hawkman. I saw a poll on one of the comics websites asking what was the most interesting Brightest Day story. Aquaman and Deadman were roughly tied for the lead. Firestorm was third. Martian Manhunter was fourth. And the Hawks were well behind in last place. I thought, "Yeah, that's about right."

    This issue then took one of the better stories so far and ratcheted it up another notch.
  • I don't know if I'd go far as to say it was the best comic I read all year. It was pretty darn good and probably the best out of the Brightest Day series and probably the best out of the whole Brightest Day story line covering DC. I liked that it focused on one story instead of jumping between two. The Deadman story was already my favorite of the bunch and liked Chris said it kicked it up another notch. The art was fantastic and really complemented this issue.
  • I've not read the Brightest Day story, I jumped ship early on due to gore issues.

    Off the top of my head, though, I think my favourite book has been (pretend it's now collected, chaps), Superman: Last Family of Krypton #1-3. in which Cary Bates and Renato Arlem make Silver Age themes work for today. The story has great characters, action and heart, with every page reading wonderfully, and looking beautiful.
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