(Continued from The Democratic Age)
A.D. 6021:
- The Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble and Martha Jones help restore peace on the planet Messaline. The Doctor's "daughter" Jenny is born.
A.D. 6349:
- King Sombra leads the Crystal Empire to war against Equestria, but is defeated.
A.D. 6618:
- The Thirteenth Doctor and her companions Graham O'Brien, Yasmin Khan and Ryan Sinclair battle a Pting aboard the medical ship Tsuranga.
A.D. 6973:
- Lord Ironwolf of Illium is outlawed by Empress Erika Klein-Hernandez of the Empire Galaktika.
A.D. 7385:
- A rift develops between Celestia and Luna Luna becomes Nightmare Moon and is banished for one thousand years. The "Golden Age of Princess Celestia" begins.
A.D. 7790:
- The Sixth Doctor and his companion. Twilight Sparkle, help Princess Celestia defeat a Borg invasion.
A.D. 8385:
- Princess Luna is redeemed. The Crystal Empire returns, as does Discord.
A.D. 8386:
- The Sixth Doctor ans his companions, Eric Cartman and Giulietta Cappelletti arrive on Equestria during the conflict with the Cahngleing Hives. Once the conflict is resolved, Twilight Sparkle joins the TARDIS crew, with the Doctor promising to show her some of her world's history.
A.D. 8387:
- The Doctor returns Twilight Sparkle to Equestria and stays for her coronation as Princess.
A.D. 8433:
- Doug Phillips and Tony Newman rescue Ann MacGregor from kidnappers from Canopus.
A.D. 9980:
Character Debuts:
- Ookla the Mok
- Princess Ariel
- Thundarr the Barbarian
A.D. 12,090:
Character Debut:
- Vampire Hunter D
A.D. 14,987:
- Seismic activity reopens the cave in which Michael Steadman, Hope Steadman, Melissa Steadman, Elliot Weston, Nancy Weston, Ellyn Warren, and Gary Shepherd were trapped. The fresh air revives them, and they find themselves on Earth during a period in which the planet is uninhabited. A passing Dalek scout ship detects the seven friends and captures them. Determining that they are physiologically suitable, the Daleks convert the seven into Daleks themselves.
A.D. 15,000:
- Yamanobe Masato dies and his body dissolves into his world’s ocean, re-starting the evolution of life there and fulfilling the phoenix’s plan. Masato’s spirit lives on, watching over his world
- The Fourth Doctor and his companions Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan battle the Wirrn on Nerva Beacon and then the Sontarans on Earth.
A.D. 17,010:
- The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond visit the Delirium Archive.
A.D. 20,000:
- Grand Admiral Edmund Blackadder marries Universal Queen Asphyxia XIX.
- The First Doctor and Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Saffron Monsoon battle the Animus on Vortis.
A.D. 25,000:
- The Fourth Doctor and his companion Leela battle the mad computer Xoanon on a distant Earth colony.
A.D. 28,363:
- Paul Atreides is born on Caladan.
A.D. 28,381:
- Paul Atreides, now known as Muad'Dib, leads a revolt on the planet Arrakis.
A.D. 30,000:
- The Imperium of Man arises around this time.
A.D. 37,166:
- The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith battle an anti-matter creature on Zeta Minor.
A.D. 40,000:
- The Imperium of Man finds itself in conflict with various powers, including the Chaos Gods, the Eldar, the Tyranids, the Tau, the Necrons and the Orks.
A.D. 85,620:
Team Debut:
- Justice Legion A (212)
A.D. 85,625:
- The Flash X joins Justice Legion A.
A.D. 85,627:
Hero Debut:
- The Atom XI
A.D. 100,000:
- Neo-Queen Serenity becomes Sailor Cosmos. Sailor Chaos appears and devastates the Earth as well as killing all of the Sailor Senshi. Sailor Cosmos and Sailor Chaos disappear into space to continue their battle.
A.D. 200,000:
- The Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Adam Mitchell visit Satellite Five and encounter the Jagrafess.
A.D. 200,100:
- The Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness visit the Game Station and battle the Daleks.
A.D. 250,000:
The Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald battle the Cybermen on Hedgewick's World.
A.D. 309,906:
- The Second Doctor and Jamie MacCrimmon and Zoe Herriott battle the War Lords.
A.D. 802,701:
- The Sixth Doctor, his companion Peri Brown and H.G. Wells battle the Borad on Karfel.
A.D. 1,000,000:
- Near the edge of space, Dave Lister revives aboard the Red Dwarf. He is alone except for the ship’s computer “Holly”, a creature that evolved from the ship’s Cat and a hologram of his dead bunkmate, Arnold Rimmer. They begin trying to find their way home.
- Doug Phillips and Tony Newman fight to prevent the saboteur Nimon from giving the so-called Ultimate Human Society the power of time travel.
A.D. 2,000,000:
- The Sixth Doctor and his companion Peri Brown visit Ravolox, a world similar to Earth.
- The Seventh Doctor and his companion Melanie Bush battle Kane on Iceworld.
A.D. 4,000,000:
- The Fourth Doctor, Leela and K-9 battle the Usurians on Pluto.
A.D. 10,000,000:
- The First Doctor and Steven Taylor and Mary-Anne Summers visit a space ark carrying humans and Monoids to Refusis II.
- The Fifth Doctor and Tegan Jovanka and Vislor Turlough battle the Tractators on Frontios.
A.D. 10,000,700:
- The First Doctor and Steven Taylor and Mary-Anne Summers revisit the space ark as it nears Refusis II.
A.D. 5,000,000,000:
- The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler observe the destruction of the Earth and encounter Lady Cassandra O'Brien.
A.D. 5,000,000,023:
- The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler encounter Lady Cassandra O'Brien on New Earth.
A.D. 5,000,000,053:
- The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones encounter the Macra on New Earth.
A.D. 100,000,000,000,000:
The Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones and Captain Jack Harkness encounter the Master on the planet Malcassairo.
The End of Time:
- The universe ends. The Time Trapper permits the construction of Milliways Restaurant so he'll have someplace to eat.
- The Twelfth Doctor encounters Colonel Orson Pink, who is stranded near the end of time. Subsequently, he brings Clara Oswald there as well.
Additions to AD 30,000 and AD 40,00.