With the recent release on DVD of the Rogen THE GREEN HORNET movie let's continue GH discussion in this line , instead of reviving the older lines , 'mm'kay ????? Hah ha .

  How many different formats/versions of the DVD are out ?

  Is there any site which will list the various versions of DVD packages , what versions of the film/what bonus footage/behind-the-scenes-whaterers there are ?

  Has anyone seen the two 1940 GH serials , each with different Hornets ? Is there ever going to be legit release of the Van Williams series ? ( Presumably the Batman crossover episodes would be a BIIGG stumbling block . )

  And , yes , DC's Hornet clone , the Crimson Avenger . How about him ?

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  • ...Oooohhkkaayy , I see I somehow double-posted .

      Well , let's make this one the " real " one then .

      For vintage Hornet comics has anybody seen the reprints of the very first , 1940 , Hornet comic book that I first read of when a HC was being solicited but came out in comic book first ?

      They had covers by Joe Rubenstein and the credits seemed to imply that they were actual , at least in some cases , adaptations of the radio episodes .

      They gave credit - in the original comic book , too - to Fran Striker , the head writer and , at the very least , co-creator of the Hornet , who is not mentioned in the Rogen's credits at all .

      George W. Trendle Jr. , the ( Presumably pretty elderly now ! Sheesh ! ) son of Striker's boss at  the Detroit radio station where the Hornet was created , gets his name on the Rogen movie as a producer - Intriguingly enough , IMDB lists two Hornet films from outside of the United States in the last part of the Twentieth Century which credit Striker as the creator , an upscale FRench fan film , and a professional Hong Kong feature which , though using the name of the Hornet as the title , focuses upon Kato as the latest in the line of Katos .

  • This might help with number of version of the DVD I saw the new film in theaters. I enjoyed it, it was fun but a little darker in tone than I expected.


    A bar I go to has a movie screen up and show old movie serials and commercials all the time with out sounds. The Green Hornet is one of them but I don't usually pay attention to it. It's there to add to the atmosphere of the bar.

  • Jason Marconnet said:

    This might help with number of version of the DVD I saw the new film in theaters. I enjoyed it, it was fun but a little darker in tone than I expected.


    A bar I go to has a movie screen up and show old movie serials and commercials all the time with out sounds. The Green Hornet is one of them but I don't usually pay attention to it. It's there to add to the atmosphere of the bar.


    ...Thank you for the link !

      Yeah , it was a little darker , including (spoiler) that , unlike most super-hero movies to-day , which tend to follow Silver-Bronze " the hero NEVER kills/sets out to kill anyone " - In this one , though they sort of , zip past it , not only do the Hornet/Kato kill the main bad guy(s) , fairly straight-forwardly - They even " clean out , via fire , the " factory " , early on , where crack/meth/ice/whatever is being assembled - I believe there are some cases of such " factories " where the workers there are not precisely , anyway , people who 100% without any coersion of special circumstances choosed to work there , but anyway .

      I thought they did , at least , try to come up w/a RELATIVELY logical explanation for the " the Hornet pretends to be a crime boss , and EVERYONE takes him at his word " concept - kind of .

  • ...What I meant was , the movie seemed to show the Hornet and Kato using Black Beauty's flame-jets function to " clean out " the ( we'll say it's ) meth lab - without any sign of the meth-manufacturers running out or any " covering " " Now that they're out , Hornet " dialogue first , IIRC .

      I saw , and bought to-day , in ol' LCS issues #1 and #2 of THE GREEN HORNET: AFTERMATH from Dynamite , taking place in the movie's universe , after the movie .

      Issue #1 was only $1.99 , whuich helped :-) !!!!!!!

      At first glance I would assume " miniseries " but , in fact , there is no " _ of _ " numbering credit , so maybe they see this as an open-ended series ?????

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