...(not to be confused with Simon Williams, Wonder Man).
Brad Spencer is accidentally exposed to a sizzling voltage of a secret current, giving him super powers, which he to become the super crime-fighter, Wonderman! He is aided by his girlfriend, Carol Paige. Wonderman has the ability to become invulnerable (as hard as steel) and has super-strength. Working from his Wonderlab, Wonderman created the world's most powerful telescope and had soon confiscated an enemy's Vacuum Spiral device which allowed him to cross great distances, such as the Sun, in a matter of minutes. His enemies included Lilith, Dr. Voodoo, and the Immortal Emperor.
The first thing that caught my attention was the following NOTE on the contents page: "Although the Wonderman stories were, in fact, published in the wrong order, this is the order they should have appeared: [Mystery Comics #2, #3, #4, #1]. And this is the order we've chosen to publish them here. Wonderman the re-appears in Wonder Comics #9..."
I am deep in the midst of re-reading Golden Age Superman at the present time, but I leave this stub here as a "placeholder" for future reference.