Above is a link to an article in THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS .

It is an article titled " Real Cool " by Martin Filler .

You gotta scroll down this contents page a little to get to it ( the link to the article ) !!!

It deals with two art exhibits/retrospectives , one of which I believe our own beloved MSA has referred to , while not tagging it by name , in one of his posts !

They are retropectives of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein's art in different museums here in the United States .

  Now , this ties into something I have meant to post about here for a while , namely , the way that the " classic/cliche " imagery typical of the old-style post-WWII ( Post-Code , too , arguably - Right , CC ??? ) " Love Comic " - or , " romance comic " - still lives on...decades after the genre itself essentially flatlined 100% !!!!!!!!!

  Really , how often to you see posters/mugs/greeting cards using either actual vintage Love Comics artwork/covers , repuropsed/redialogued stuff from one , or newly-done " pseudo "-LC stuff ?????????

  Magazine covers , too ~~~ Recently , I saw " New York Magazine " and a large-page-sized , NYRB-type women-oriented literary journal whose name escapes me ( Women's Review Of Books ? ) with pseudo-LCs covers - Advertisments too !!!

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