For those of you who have seen Toy Story 3. Which version did you see it in, 3D or 2D? Which would you recommend. Lately I've seen a few movies in 3D and have been less than impressed. I think I may see the film today but wasn't sure if I should give 3D another shot or just see it in 2D. I'm sure I'll enjoy it either way, though.

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  • We watched it 2d, and I don't think we missed a thing.
  • I was ready to get out of the house and the earliest showing was in Imax 3D. It was good but I think it would have been just as good in 2D.
  • We saw this one in 2D simply because we saw it at the drive-in. Jenn wanted to see the movie, too, but her vertigo does not do well in a regular movie theater and we haven't dared to try a 3D movie with her.

    We thought it was a terrific movie in 2D. That being said, I wouldn't object to seeing it in 3D, also. I love seeing movies in 3D. Alex and I sit in the front row so that the reality of the movie theater is less in our field of vision.

    Alex & I saw How to Train Your Dragon in 3D first and then at the drive-in. It was still a terrific movie in 2D because, well, it is a terrific movie but the visuals were even more stunning in 3D.
  • We saw it in 2D. The 3D version was playing next door, but we chose 2D.
  • There really wasn't a lot of "in-your-face" 3D animation in this. It had some depth perception that made you feel like you were there with the toys but I couldn't really tell that much of a difference from watching a 2D movie.

    If you haven't seen the movie yet and have enjoyed the other films in the series go see it, though. It's great, which ever format you choose to view it in.
  • I saw it in 3-D, and thought it was worth it, but you weren't overwhelmed with the need for 3-D -- unlike, say, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (which I saw in IMAX 3-D). I think Toy Story 3 would be acceptable and satisfactory in 2-D.
  • I saw Clash of the Titans in 2-D and didn't feel I missed anything, unlike Alice in Wonderland which was quite an experience!

    BTW, they dissed poor Bubo! Too bad when the various monsters were annihilating his companions that Perseus didn't have a robot owl to distract them!
  • We saw it yesterday in 3-D. While the feature's 3-D was more immersive (think Avatar) than jump-out-at-you, I found the short animated film beforehand to be absolutely brilliant, and the 3-D was important enough that it should count as an additional character in the story. It really stretched the concept of what 3-D could be used for, IMHO.

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's much better now!

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  • I forgot about the short at the beginning. But Dagwan's right, 3D really worked for it.

    Dagwan said:
    We saw it yesterday in 3-D. While the feature's 3-D was more immersive (think Avatar) than jump-out-at-you, I found the short animated film beforehand to be absolutely brilliant, and the 3-D was important enough that it should count as an additional character in the story. It really stretched the concept of what 3-D could be used for, IMHO.

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's much better now!

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

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