Way back when I saw a comics item I'd like to identify. I remember it as a large paperback. It contained a number of stories, or a long story divided into parts. I thought it contained a collected series, but I may have been wrong about that. I also remember the stories as collected from the science fiction magazine Omni, but that seems to be untrue.


One story, I think it was the opening one, climaxed with the transformation of an astronaut into a super-powerful form. His thought balloon during the sequence was something along the lines of "name the astronaut is no more. Now there is name, child of the sun." I remember his transformed form as naked and hairless, and unusually shaded or lit.


Another story opened with a couple enjoying each other's company on an Edenic planet. I took them to be its only inhabitants, and the man to be the astronaut: I think he now had a beard. They both possessed telepathic powers. They received a request for help, and responded by sending their "anti-matter selves" (I think), which were of the same nature as the astronaut's transformed form in the first story.


I think I saw the volume some time in 1976-1981. The volume was in English. I remember it as B&W. I don't remember the art as crude, but my perceptions have changed greatly since then. The work could have been European, or from an independent American publication/publisher. The material had adult content. It's unlikely it was a Marvel or DC publication.


Anybody got any ideas as to what it may have been?

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  • Sounds possibly like a collection of stories from what we know here in America as Heavy Metal to me, or at least a collection of stories from somewhere in the European market.

    Wish I could be of more help.

  • Thanks, Lee. I've continued looking and it might've been Psychorock, one of a handful of English graphic albums published by Heavy Metal in the 70s. On the one hand, an image I found from the volume corresponds sufficiently to what I remember for this to be the correct item, and it seems to have been B&W, and to have contained five stories. On the other, I haven't been able to find a synopsis, and I'm surprised my younger self looked inside a volume with its cover. The cover is not work safe, and the item contained adult content.

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