
  • BILL: Atomic batteries to power.


    HOLLY: Turbines to speed.


    "Click!-Click!-Click!" [sound of three seatbelts fastening from the back seat]


    BILL: Ready to move out.

  • Rose was just talking yesterday about having flames shoot out of the back.
  • Atta girl!
  • Our daily driver, an Acura, has Autobot symbols in the window and we call it Bluestreak. Even still, Alex and I do the "Atomic batteries to power" bit, too.
  • This van has a GPS readout in the middle of the dashboard which switches to a starfield wallpaper after a few seconds...Honda missed out on adding a hyperdrive effect when the van reaches a certain speed.  :)
  • That would be cool, Doc.


    Our GPS is Garmin. I bought an aftermarket voice that is William Daniels as KITT. Aside from giving directions, he also randomly will pipe up with little statements such as "Despite what you may have heard, I am not and never have been a Ford Mustang." Miss a turn or just go a different way? One of the things he'll say is, "This is no way to treat a trusted confidant. Recalculating." It's been a couple of years now and he still surprises us once in a while by saying something we hadn't heard before; this happened just this past weekend. I also loaded a graphic of KITT's vocalizer that shows when I turn the Garmin on. Yep. I'm a big geek.

  • Nice...
  • Tardis decal? WANT!!! :D Got a link for me, Doc?
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