X-Men Schism: A fine whine

As most fans know by now, when the long-running Uncanny X-Men is canceled in a couple of months with issue #544), it will be replaced by two titles. As a result of "X-Men: Schism" -- a storyline about an ideological split between Cyclops and Wolverine -- the X-folks will split into two camps, represented by two books: Uncanny X-Men #1 (following a team led by Cyclops) and Wolverine & The X-Men #1 (following a team led by ... oh, right.)


Now, I always wait until a given story comes out before I judge it. And that is true of this one as well. But I have a visceral early reaction that is incredibly negative, and I feel the need to vent.


Because this "event" makes Wolverine the good guy, and Cyclops the bad guy. And, as a 45-year Cyclops fans, that irritates the stew out of me.As a 45-year comics reader, it irritates the stew out of me. As a 45-year reader of fiction with a brain in my head, it irritates the stew out of me.


The storyline, as revealed in solicitations, Bleeding Cool and elsewhere, frames the ideological split between the two major X-Men as falling along the familiar Magneto/Xavier lines. One side wants to integrate with Homo Sapiens, the other side wants to live separately. Naturally the idealistic Cyclops, who has been fighting the Magneto mindset for 45 years, take the Xavier side, and the cynical, world-weary and violent Wolverine, takes the separatist side, and ... what? What's that you say? Those positions are reversed?


Cyclops, who just integrated space aliens from Breakworld into San Francisco last week, has suddenly lost confidence in the ability of humans to accept different people? Wolverine, who has never shown any interest in deep thought, and runs the secretive and murderous X-Force, is suddenly a humanitarian philosopher? Oh, and in the face of a decision about how best to protect mutants, Wolverine's big idea is to split up and thereby weaken the team?


Now, I ask you, on what parallel Earth does that make sense? Oh yeah, Planet Marketing. Because we need another book with "Wolverine" in the title. And since Wolverine is the more popular character, he gets the more popular position -- even though that is completely OUT of character.


Not only for him, but for Cyclops. Sure, Wolverine's popular, so give him 500 books a month. But do you have to dump on Cyclops to make sure Wolvie looks better by contrast? Really, Marvel, is that necessary? And just to make sure I'm totally and completely irritated, note that Marvel has just canceled its longest-running book -- The X-Men/Uncanny X-Men has run uninterrupted since 1975 -- and started it over with #1, just -- apparently -- so that "the Cyclops book" won't have bigger numbering, and look more important, than "the Wolverine book." Really, guys, aren't we all a little leery of #1s these days? And how long before the "new" Uncanny adopts the old numbering? Can you say "gimmick," boys and girls? I knew that you could.


Now, I could be wrong about all of this. As I said, it's a gut reaction. And that reaction is, to sum up, that they're deliberating making Cyclops and Wolverine act out of character in order to give the more audience-sympathetic position to the more popular character. Despite flipping the other character's moral underpinning 180 degrees, one that has served as his definition and foundation since 1963!


Bleah. Well, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the story will make such utter and complete sense that I will be swayed. Maybe it's all a subterfuge of some kind. And I will reserve judgment on the actual story until I read the actual story.


But they sure got a whole lot of 'splaining to do!

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  • That's why it's hard to take any X-Men title seriously. Too many characters, too many twists and too many philosophies. Every time they tell a good story, they make bad decisions afterwards. Rogue getting romantic with Magneto, Jubilee's a vampire, Daken, X-Force in general.

    Besides every X-title should begin with Wolverine and... anyway! Including Wolverine and the New Avengers!

    I dropped Wolverine:Origins and never got Daken, X-Force, X-23 and especially Wolverine: The Best There Is and apparently I'm not missing much since no one refers to those books.....at all!

  • I don't read Daken. I loathe the character, especially the way he's drawn with a perpetual smirk. And yet, I overheard at the comic shop one day from some kid (under 25, maybe under 20) that he's "the most interesting character Marvel's got by a mile." These kids today ... ! :)


    Seriously, I'm glad there's a book out there the kid likes. But I don't like it, and I feel like a better man for not dipping myself in that stuff every month.

  • started it over with #1, just -- apparently -- so that "the Cyclops book" won't have bigger numbering, and look more important, than "the Wolverine book.

    It's an interesting idea that today's market sees a high number as making the book more important. I think it's more likely that they want the two books to be seen as companions, rather than one being an extension of the 500+ stories that went before.

    Plus, I think two #1s will sell better than a #1 and a #545. That's why DC isn't starting its universe over with 52 #600 issues...

    I seriously doubt that we will never see Uncanny X-Men #545. I'm guessing it will be back within about three years, just in time to celebrate #600 with a Very Special Issue.

    Using the characters entirely out of character worked pretty well for Civil War, so why not do it again? Ideally, fans who find this concept to be manipulative and insulting won't buy the issues and will send a message that characters are more important than marketing.

    I like visiting that ideal world sometimes, it's a pretty place.

    -- MSA

  • That's a great point MSA and one that never occurred to me. This is Civil War: Mutant Edition! Will this mean the return of the Mutant Registration Act? Will all mutants pick sides? Will this end with Wolverine being killed and replaced by Kitty Pryde or Jubliee?
  • Philip Portelli said:

    That's why it's hard to take any X-Men title seriously. Too many characters, too many twists and too many philosophies. Every time they tell a good story, they make bad decisions afterwards. Rogue getting romantic with Magneto, Jubilee's a vampire, Daken, X-Force in general.


    Rogue getting "romantic" with Magneto?

    I know I'm going to regret hearing the answer, but ask I must: What are you talking about?
  • Nothing out of the blue, CK. Rogue and Magneto have been shown to have an interest in each other several times before- in a Savage Land story back in '90/'91, in the Age of Apocalypse universe, during Magneto's "Joseph" phase... They're now in the process of getting together. personally I find it more interesting than having Rogue and Gmbit get back together for the umpteenth time. It's interesting to see this human side of Magneto. It's interesting to see Gambit be quietly jealous.
  • Cap said: "And yet, I overheard at the comic shop one day from some kid (under 25, maybe under 20) that he's "the most interesting character Marvel's got by a mile." These kids today ... ! :)"


    Comments like this -- usually delivered in a loud, bellowing voice -- are a major reason why comic shops aren't much fun for me these days. I'm sure he thinks Venom is really cool, too.

  • Using the characters entirely out of character worked pretty well for Civil War, so why not do it again?


    This is the rub.  Early issues of Civil War sold in the region of 300k (including reprints).  Siege #1 sold 108,484.  Fear Itself #1 sold 128,595.  Marvel had a quick look at those figures, thought, how can we get the sales figures for Civil War again? and Bingo!


    Actually one of the first lines in the solicitation says something like 'Its 'Civil War' amongst the mutants this time.'


    I hate that so much has the whiff of desperation these days...


    (Actually, the sales for Fear Itself is a nice uptick to see, as I understand it's a bit more self-contained and story-driven rather than 'event-driven' like Siege was.)

  • Thankfully, I don't pick up anything Marvel anymore. Too many instances of 'revolving-door-of-death', too many multi-issue bad plotlines, too many retcons.
  • I'll bet, even though he's the lead of Wolverine and the X-Men, Logan will show up a LOT in Uncanny X-Men. Will there still be an Astonishing X-Men? Combined with X-Force,  New Avengers and plain Avengers, that's a huge amount of teams for one guy to be part of, let alone have two solo titles! Not to mention guest spots! More evidence to my theory that there are at least Three Wolverines running around the MU!
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