Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 251 The Silver Age Challenge---Marvel Edition IIII . . . Answers
"Thanks. It was the first Hank-and-Jan story I ever read. It's less impressive on rereading than I found it as a kid.
Jul 3
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 251 The Silver Age Challenge---Marvel Edition IIII . . . Answers
"#3 One of the eternal mysteries is why a guy named for one of the world's most visually distinctive weapon relied primarily on those little discs all over his costume.
#7 I got that one too.
#8 Dr. Zaxon's career is weird — half his first appearance…"
Jul 3
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 250 The Silver-Age Challenge---Marvel Edition IIII
"He does, in a humorous story in DD Annual #1. I assumed given the humor it didn't qualify. I wrote about it here:"
Jun 3
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 250 The Silver-Age Challenge---Marvel Edition IIII
"Clearly me looking through the flashbacks wouldn't have gotten the answer.
Jun 3
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 250 The Silver-Age Challenge---Marvel Edition IIII
"1. Beverly Hillbillies
3. Bullseye! No, wait it's Boomerang! (I know perfectly well Bullseye doesn't qualify).
4. I think it was a crazy uncle who launched a missile at NYC.
5. The Magician
6. Odinsleep (I suspect I'm wrong but I don't have the…"
Jun 3
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 249 The Many Loves of Leonard Snart
"Thank you very much. From someone with your expertise that's high praise. And yes, there are few comics bloggers I'm in complete agreement with but that's not a dealbreaker for me either.
You're correct that #297 is the only post-Silver Age story…"
May 27
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 249 The Many Loves of Leonard Snart
"Snart did get one more romantic shot, Flash #297. This time it turns out his True Love is a bad girl using him for her own ends.
Prison workshops are indeed amazing places in the DCU. Though the worst error in keeping a Rogue locked up was in…"
May 23
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion From the Archives: Deck Log Entry # 47 "Semi-Imaginary" Stories (Part 2)
"Amusingly when I read "The Second 'Batman and Robin' Team" in the Batman Golden Age Archive #10 I assumed it was part of the Semi-Imaginary Run. Instead it has Roger Bacon brilliantly figuring out that this Batman who keeps appearing throughout…"
May 5
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion From the Archives: Deck Log Entry # 46 "Semi-Imaginary" Stories (Part 1)
"Interesting. I've seen a couple of super-Univac stories, including the Superman Family one but never realized there were so many of them."
May 2
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 248 Overture
"Glad everything is good news. When anyone my age or older mentions life changes, I start to worry.
Most of my friends with knee replacements speak highly of them. Glad yours worked out.
I'm happy to see your old stuff as I know there's plenty I…"
May 2
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 247 Marvel's First Silver-Age Super-Hero
""He could also handle himself physically with an expert knowledge of judo." In Silver Age Marvel, judo was a super-power. "Thanks to lessons from Captain America, I can use your own strength against you!" was the battle cry that finished dozens of…"
Mar 5
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 246 Rivalry in Space
"I caught up with the Star Rovers, like most of the Schwartz anthology stuff, reading the 1970s reprint books Strange Adventures and From Beyond the Unknown (I started reading comics right about the time Schwartz was changing gears). Between that and…"
Jan 25
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 244 Happy Thanksgiving 2023!
"As a vegetarian, cooking turkey has never been a problem for me, but man, those were some funny questions.
I remember an article some years back about Ocean Spray's cranberry hotline where the questions run along the line of "Can I cook the sauce in…"
Dec 15, 2023
Fraser Sherman replied to Jeff of Earth-J's discussion The Tomb of Dracula
"#35 was one of the few issues I bought from the stand, as it had Brother Voodoo.
Nov 28, 2023
Fraser Sherman replied to Jeff of Earth-J's discussion The Tomb of Dracula
"In a TOD letter column Wolfman said it's primarily the faith of the person holding the symbol — although Taj's family is Hindu and his son was kept at bay by a cross, IIRC.
The film Dracula 2000 reveals Dracula is the accursed Judas Iscariot, hence…"
Nov 16, 2023
Fraser Sherman replied to Jeff of Earth-J's discussion The Tomb of Dracula
"Oh, man, when I saw that holy water coming for Dracula I was convinced he was finished. No way could he escape! Of course, I was a lot younger.
Nov 14, 2023