Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"Yes, that seems overly cautious on the editors' part. It's obvious Reed is more self-conscous than anything else.
4 minutes ago
Richard Willis replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"I can't pinpoint an issue, but at one point Marvel tried to say that the Howling Commandos made their reputation in the Invasion of Grenada (1983) to counteract the military coup that had happened. The war lasted two or three days!"
3 hours ago
Richard Willis replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"Brian Cronin said (on CBR):
There's nothing wrong at all with a ten-year age gap. I don't even think there's anything necessarily wrong about dating a woman you first met when she was 12 and you were in your 20s, but it's still a weird visual.…"
3 hours ago
Philip Portelli replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"I recently reread Invaders Annual #1 (1977) where the WWII team encounter Yellowjacket, Black Panther and the Vision in 1941 Paris, showing Avengers #71 from the Invaders' POV. 
Anyway, in an oddity for a Roy Thomas time travel story, the Invaders…"
4 hours ago
The Baron replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"Of course, you could say the same about Captain America's time in the ice, which has gone from roughly 20 years to roughly 70.
That's what always gets me.  Twenty years  on ice is bad enough. Most of the old-timers that you knew are gone, your…"
4 hours ago
Luis Olavo de Moura Dantas replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"Namor once claimed that "times passes differently" for his people, implying that Atlanteans (and himself) age considerably more slowly than humans.It happened in 1968, somewhere inside the pages of Sub-Marinner #5-8 in a conversation with Diane…"
6 hours ago
Captain Comics replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"One of the problems with the sliding time scale is that Namor's time as a bum in the bowery is now measured in decades. That always feels awkward to me.
I hadn't thought of that. When he was re-introduced in Fantastic Four #4, the last time he'd…"
8 hours ago
Fraser Sherman replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"Oh lord, Dorma. "I'll let you conquer Atlantis if you pinky-swear not to hurt my sweetie" — she's a traitor and acts almost as foolishly when Namor gets his own series.
Reed has a statement in one issue that he's loved Sue ever since she was the…"
10 hours ago
Commander Benson replied to Steve W's discussion A Cover a Day

Eric, your cover reminded me of Curt's Superman # 147, which, in turn, was a homage to Adventure #247 . . . 
It was that slug announcing that Krypto battles Titano that got me to buy this issue.
Commander Benson replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately

I'll settle for a Battle of Leyte Gulf movie. We probably haven't had one, because it's too unbelievable.
Put me in the camp that says ADM Halsey screwed up big time here.  ADM Kinkaid was the real hero of this battle.
Commander Benson replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"It seemed that Stan tried to set up romantic triangles in other books. Peter Parker and Flash Thompson and Liz Allen. Matt Murdock and Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. And the romantic square in X-Men - Scott Summers and Jean Grey and Warren Worthington…"
Philip Portelli replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"The statements of Fantastic Four #11 clearly have Reed pining for Sue during World War II. As I've said before, if Sue was, say 20 in 1945 with Reed being around five or six years older and with them being engaged in 1961, why weren't they already…"
Feb 14
Captain Comics replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"I had no idea Sue was moonlighting as an advertising model. Clever bit, Commander!"
Feb 14
Eric L. Sofer replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 255 The Romance of Susan Storm
"Some thoughts and discussins, Commander.
It seemed that Stan tried to set up romantic triangles in other books. Peter Parker and Flash Thompson and Liz Allen. Matt Murdock and Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. And the romantic square in X-Men - Scott…"
Feb 14
Commander Benson posted a discussion
Or . . . Can a Small-town Girl Find Happiness with a Brilliant Research Scientist in the Cosmopolitan City of New York?Ain’t love grand?  It gets you high; it gets you low.  But once you get that glow . . .Love was no stranger to comic books. …
Feb 14
Commander Benson replied to Jeff of Earth-J's discussion Grammar Cop

As I understand it, "mic", as a diminutive for microphone, stems from the use of "MIC" to indicate the jack on the back of stereos, VCR's, and other electronic devices into which one was supposed to plug in a microphone.  How "mic" supplanted…"
Feb 13