Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Fastball Special
"X-Men: Elsewhen #3 (unpublished):"
Mar 14
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Fastball Special
"The Thing throws Wolverine in Onslaught Reborn #5.
Colossus throws Wolverine on the cover of Ultimate X-Men #25."
Jul 23, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #382:

First, a note about that cover blurb. #382 is not, in fact, the 300th "anniversary" issue of Thor. For that to be true, the first issue would have had to have been published in the year 1687. It is, however, the 300th appearance of Thor…"
Jun 3, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #381:

SUMMARY: The Frost Giants on Midgard, led by Grundroth, make their way through New York State. They come upon a barrier of mystic flame which is a crossover element from the Mephisto limited series. Breaching the barrier, they find not…"
Jun 2, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #380:

This is an issue-long battle between Thor and Jormungand told entirely in full-page panels. John Byrne used this technique for a Hulk story in Marvel Fanfare and Dan Jurgens did the same for Superman #75, but Walt Simonson did it first.…"
Jun 2, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #379:

SUMMARY:  Loki awakens in his castle confused as to why is still alive. He casts a spell to reveal what happened and incensed to learn that it was Thor who saved his life. Then he checks in of the Frost Giants and discovers that they are…"
Jun 1, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #378:

SUMMARY: The Frost Giants break down the doors to Loki's castle. Loki retreats, leaving the unconscious Thor to their mercies. Loki then goes into the room in which Iceman is powering the cols-generating machine and discovers that Bobby…"
May 31, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #377:

After paramedics take Thor to the hospital and the doctor there patches him up as best he can, Thor, in a clear tribute to Journey Into Mystery #120, uses the Wagerian Rhinegold to take over the foundry he once used to repair Mjolnir for…"
May 30, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"Thanks, Luis.
THOR #376:

As the Absorbing Man attacks Thor, Titania appears. Thor deals her a glancing blow, which snaps her neck. Crusher Creel lives up to his name, hitting Thor with his ball and chain and crushing some ribs. Thor beats a…"
May 29, 2024
Luis Olavo de Moura Dantas replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"Thor #275 (1978) has Loki discuss Ragnarok's prophecies.  In that context he says that "some have called (Hela his) daughter".Strangely non-commital; apparently it was only about a year ago that Torunn Grønbekk established that Loki is indeed Hela's…"
May 28, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #375:

Wow, that cover takes ya back, don't it?
SUMMARY: Loki, unseen in our sagas since #368, sits alone in his castle and broods. His reference to Lorelei's "statuesque beauty" and that his garden will benefit from it more than he will…"
May 28, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #374:

Thor braces for the Mauraurders' attack. They are Blockbuster, Harpoon and Vertigo, and are easily driven away by Thor. The Angel seems familiar to him, but Thor doesn't quite recognize him. The Angel regains consciousness momentarily…"
May 27, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #373:

[The omnibus presents Simonson's cover sans the Romita border.]
SUMMARY: Thor is traveling to Midgard when he is struck by Hela's spell. It temporarily weakens him but, because he doesn't know what happened, he simply continues on his…"
May 26, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #372:

SUMMARY: Thug Thatcher's Zaniac is more like a "Mr. Hyde" type than the version from #319 was. He locates Kellen, his pilot, and forces him to fly them both the Jane Foster's home in Highland Park, Illinois. Justice Peace has tracked…"
May 25, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"Thor #370 was a fill-in issue by James Owsley, John Buscema and Craig Russell. It introduced a character called "Sundance" but I have no memory of this story whatsoever.

THOR #371:

SUMMARY: Balder is crowned Ruler of Asgard, but he modestly…"
May 24, 2024
Jeff of Earth-J replied to Randy Jackson's discussion Walt Simonson's Thor
"THOR #369:

SUMMARY: Thor is enticed by the three women to have dinner and to rest. He is mightily fatigued due to recently wearing the belt of strength, but not too fatigued to recognize sorcery when he encounters it. When he asks about Balder, the…"
May 23, 2024