Watchmen Chapter 1 | Redband Trailer 4K | Warner Bros. Entertainment

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In an alternate world, the murder of a government sponsored superhero draws his outlawed colleagues out of retirement, into a mystery that threatens their lives and the world itself. Own Watchmen Chapter 1 on Digital 8/13.

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  • According to IMDB, Chapter One is one hour and 23 minutes and there are a total of two chapters. Sounds like they can fit it all in. Hopefully they will employ the scene switches reflecting Dr Manhattan's thought processes. I like the casting of the two Silk Spectres. The Watchmen Motion Comic had the superior Dave Gibbons artwork, but clunky animation.

  • I can't say I'm thrilled with the voice work on Rorschach. It sounds like Christian Bale's Batman after two packs of cigarettes.

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