Our Army at War #172
October 1966
Cover art by: Joe Kubert
Story: A Slug For A Sergeant
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Art: Russ Heath
This issue kicks off with Sgt. Rock about to start an old-fashioned duel with the German Sergeant Schlum. Surprisingly, Schlum wins, and drops Rock like a rock (I couldn't help myself). Schlum then walks up to Rock intent on finishing the job. We then get a flashback to what brought us to this point. Little Sure Shot tell Rock that his ancestors are letting him know that Easy Company is about to get into some trouble. Rock yells at the men to start looking for some cover. It is too late though as a German fighter comes bearing down on them for a strafing run. They dive into a nearby creek for cover. What little it gives them. When the men break the surface they take the fighter out with “infantry-type” flak. Still the company suffers the loss of two men.
As Easy Company presses on, Rock spots the Haunted Tank, and they are using their machine gun to fire into some underbrush. Rock then spies a German Sergeant aiming his bazooka at the tank. He stands his ground, and fires at the tank. Easy Co. jumps out to defend the tank crew as they exit, at the same time the German squad attacks as well. A very chaotic melee ensues as Sgt. Schlum releases a smoke grenade.
Rock is knocked unconscious and when he awakens, he is alone with the Germans. The rest of Easy having gotten away with Jeb Stuart and his men. They also captured Schlum. The Nazis try to get Rock to call his men to swap himself for his German counterpart. He only gives them his name, rank, and serial number (409966). They lead him away, and they do indeed meet up with Easy to make the exchange. Rock is ticked, and so is Sergeant Schlum. The pair exchange a few words and then get into quite a fight. It goes on for a solid 5 panels, with neither men falling.
Schlum calls for pistols and orders a duel. We then see him shoot Rock again. As the Nazi approaches to finish him off, Schlum keels over. The previous fight having done him in. One of Rock's men sings a song for the fallen soldier, and it looks like they allow the Germans to carry the body off.
A really good comic as Rock meets his German equal. The art is terrific, and I love that cover. The symmetry of it with both sergeants peering back, and the swear dripping off of their faces. Awesome.
There was also a short back-up also drawn by Russ Heath about an unwanted bazooka man who does prove his usefulness. Meh. You don't read this one for the back-up.
If the back up is drawn by Russ Heath, I do!
The back-up could have been 5 pages of Gunner and Sarge picking their nose and I would still recommend it, because the feature was so good.
Any book, no matter what genre, with a Kubert cover and Heath interiors is worth buying!