
    • The GCD seems to indicate that this is from #337 as it lists the letter writers.

  • GCD tells me that Adventure Comics #334(JUL65) went on sale on May 27, 1965 and that John Forte penciled the cover story. Wikipedia tells me  that he passed away on May 2, 1966 at the young age of 47. GCD also tells me that she became Light Lass in Adventure Comics #317(FEB64), over a year earlier.

    • When I found out how young Forte was when he died, I regretted every mean thing I'd said about his art. He was probably very ill during a lot of his Legion issues. I have swallowed every mean thing I've ever said about those Legion jobs, which was quite a meal. I now try to appreciate his work, especially his pre-Legion horror/suspense work, which he put a lot of effort into. 

  • 13519483861?profile=RESIZE_710xStory here.

    Captain Canuck vs. Trump? Canada’s superhero Takes a Stand
    Move over, Captain America. Canada’s own superhero is enjoying a resurgence in interest, fueled by the trade war and the surge in patriotism.
    • More northern agitprop!

      This  gets even cooler because:

      -Neil Young heard it and approves.

      -At one point (in what is essentially a collection of samples) it samples Katie Simpson, CBC reporter extraordinaire and a former student of mine.


  • Being concerned about the recent resurgence of measles, I asked my doctor whether my infections six decades ago were good enough to immunize me, never having had a shot for this.  A simple blood test confirmed that I am immune to measles, rubella (German measles) and mumps. You might want to get tested too. Just having the infection years ago is no guarantee you're immune.

  • 13519902865?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Holy Mair-Ee, Mother of Rao, I thought that  I was reasonably well up on my Golden Age characters, but there's a lot of these people that I couldn't name. (This is one of nthe variant covers from the new history of the DC Unicerse.)

    • Looks like they used a lot of humor characters from DC, AA, Quality and Fawcett.

    • Impressive. Thank you for posting that.

      Did anyone else try to find Waldo?

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