I don't know if anyone's mentioned this on the board yet, but there are a TON of Fantastic Four references in Netflix's Season Four of Arrested Development. 

It starts out when Tobias meets DeBrie Bardeaux* (Maria Bamford) the woman who played Sue Storm in the cheapo unreleased version of the movie meant to secure the rights.Soon, they team up together, as Tobias somehow has a Thing suit, and they hustle for photographs on Hollywood Boulevard before they're kicked off. Eventually, Tobias stages a Fantastic Four musical with patients at a rehab clinic. 

It even managed to stump me on a bit of trivia, with a reference to Lucia van Bardas, whom I'd completely forgotten about. 

There might be more to come -- I've still got 4 episodes to go -- but MAN, is there a lot for FF fans to enjoy. It's really an essential part of the season four plot.

*The real actress to play Sue Storm in 1994 was Rebecca Staab.

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  • I've been watching Arrested Development on Netflix intermittently, and am half-way through season 3. I didn't watch it when it originally aired. Looking forward to the new season 4 episodes.

  • I LOVED the FF references. Nice of Imagine to poke fun at itself. Plenty of THING jokes. I loved the bit about the law firm ring the REAL Fantastic Four. Plus, I didn't get the reference to that Lucia character at all, so well played there, AD!

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