I just thought I'd let all you fans of Baby Boomer Comics (I know you're out there) know that your favorite book (okay, MY favorite book) is available for purchase for those Amazon Kindles that you got for Christmas! You can check it out here:
And, for those of you curious about what your favorite book (okay, MY favorite book) would look like on a Kindle, you can click on the image up in the upper left and see the first sections of the book formatted for Kindle viewing.
It's not as good as having those four-color pages sitting in front of you, of course, but if you want to have a copy of BBC with you at all times, as I know you do, you can download it to your Kindle and keep it handy. This is just one more clear indication that we are indeed in the 21st Century.
BTW, as the rankings indicate, the Kindle edition is the #4 seller in Amazon's Newspapers and Magazines category! In the immortal words of the King, don't ask, just buy it! Maybe it'll shoot all the way to the top.
-- MSA
I agree it's way, way better in color, as are most books about comics. But it's also way more expensive, so they're aren't many books with color illustrations. I was really shocked when they said that's how they were doing it, as originally it was going to be in b&w with only a few illustrations.
Twomorrows' entire line is all b&w. It's not as cool looking but it makes the books a lot easier to afford. I'm amazed by the books on comics that come out without any illustrations at all, even in b&w.
This problem will be overcome when we all have iPads, and certainly when we have download chips embedded in our retinas.
-- MSA
I bought the book 'way back when, and it was worth every penny.
I agree and I'm still hoping for a sequel!
I enjoyed this book. It is well thumbed and would recommend it to everyone.
Thanks, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Krause actually talked about doing a sequel in various forms back around 2006-2007, but it never came about, and once the recession hit, they lost all interest.
Maybe the run of Kindle buys will reignite their interest. I let them know I'm ready when they are, especially since I've still got the proposals they asked for on Son of BBC hanging around.
-- MSA
...A bookstore here in Santa Cruz has a big sign on its front door pointing out that Amazon Kindles will , ONLY , read/store Amazon releases and that this is not true of other , even " big-time company " ones , E-readers .
Any chance for a " populist " , " Occupy " :-) format availability of BBC , old bean , pip pip ( Cheerio . ) ( Oi !!!!!!! - going " yoof " . ) ?
That's above my pay grade, as the saying goes. I'm sure that if enough people were to bombard the F+W book people with demands for different configurations or a sequel, they'd have to comply. That's how that stuff works, I think.
-- MSA
...I tend to think I never had the " BBC " ( I couldn't resist using phrases above that might be associated with that " other " BBC , hee hee . That's yer lot , 'guv . ) book , BUT I am sure I had most of the colums in their original magazine/newpaper appearance in the old paper CBG , and I liked them...Were there any revisions of the columns for the book mixs ?
Were the illustrations any different ?
Do you have a listing of every MSA column you've done over the years ?
BBC is readily available on eBay at insane prices, so there's no good explanation for not having it on a prominent shelf in your home and vacation cottage both. And there will be a quiz later, so you should get a copy and start studying. I recommend the Kindle version.
Were there any revisions of the columns for the book mixs ?
The columns were rewritten to fit the new format, which used questions that weren't specific to individual characters, and all of the columns were re-edited from the original drafts, so there no doubt were changes. I punched up some of the jokes and took out some of the dated stuff. (I discovered that I used to find Rob Liefeld extremely funny.)
There were several articles hadn't been in CBG, besides the FAQ intro: The Marvel "Legends" quiz was BRAND NEW, written to offset the DCU "Legends" quiz, and "Beware the Futuremen of 2000!" appeared in Comicology. Plus, two ("Meet the Beatles, Silver Age Style" and "Getting Personal: DC's Silver Age Team-Ups") appeared only in CBG Annuals, which many people never saw. So if you read only all the regular CBG columns, there was close to 50 pages of "new" stuff.
Were the illustrations any different?
A lot were different. The originals on most had been supplied as color photocopies (those were the days!), whereas 10 years later, I could scan them as TIFs and make them way nicer. So I used whatever I wanted for illustrations. A lot were the same, since there often was a key panel with the money shot, but a lot were different if I just needed a generic panel or someone or there were many to choose from.
Do you have a listing of every MSA column you've done over the years ?
I do indeed. I also have a copy of every column sitting right here beside me in five thick notebooks. They're pretty good reference material, if I do say so myself.
I even have an index so I can find any column quickly, because that's the kind of guy I am. But I haven't updated it for about a year, because I'm also that kind of guy.
Many years ago, I started filing away all the scans I made of the illustrations, so pulling together materials for an old column for, say, a book collection, would not be too difficult (especially after I rescanned many of the older ones when we were seriously talking about a sequel several years ago). So I'm ready when some publisher is.
-- MSA
I have close to an entire set of all the articles that Mr. Age has done for CBG, even back in the prehistoric days when the column was called "Powerhouse Papers" and he just went by the name of Shutt, rather than Age. The BABY BOOMER book most definitely includes material not available in the regular columns -- color on every page, differerent pictures and captions in many instances, new introductions and overviews, and best of all, an impressive looking product that looks cool on your bookshelf (except for all those times you haul it down to read it, as I often do).
In fact, so cool is the BBC book that it helped inspire me to write my own book, which alas has nothing at all to do with comic books, but also looks cool resting on my shelf.