SAN DIEGO, CA (July 20, 2018) – Bernie Wrightson is universally regarded as the finest horror artist of the last 50 years, and Frankenstein was his undisputed opus. IDW Publishing is proud to announce that this masterpiece of illustration will be presented in the Eisner Award-winning Artist’s Edition format for late next year.
As with all Artist’s Editions, each gorgeous plate will be reproduced from scans of the original art and printed at the same size they were drawn, with all the distinctive creative nuances that make original art unique – a perfect representation of the work in its original form.
“I’m incredibly pleased and somewhat stunned – it has been a dream of mine for years to do this book. It’s truly an honor,” says Artist’s Edition Editor Scott Dunbier.
In 1975, Wrightson was a founding member of The Studio, an art collective in Manhattan’s Chelsea District, alongside Jeff Jones, Michael Kaluta, and Barry Windsor-Smith. It was during his time at The Studio that he began work on Frankenstein, which was eventually published in the early 1980s by Marvel Comics. A sequel entitled Frankenstein Alive, Alive was released by IDW as a comic book series beginning in 2012 and will be collected as a hardcover this October.
(I've already pre-ordered October's HC collection, though.)
I want this, too.
...Does this include Shelley's book or just the the illustrations? BTW, Mrs. Shelley revised her already-published novel at least once and possibly twice in her lifetime - The last of those is the one generally reprinted.
Oh, wait a minute... I misread this yesterday. for some reason I thought it was an AE of Frankenstein Alive, Alive! That's the one I was referring to that I pre-ordered (and I would have realized that if I read the whole solicitation). In response to ED's query, the solicitatrion doesn't say, but I imagine the AE will be the illustrations only. I like to think I am select in which AEs I buy, but I definitely want this one.
IDW also has a Jack Kirby Heroes and Monsters Artist Edition coming soon which is another one that will be hard to pass up. I just wish they weren't so darn expensive. IDW has issued one or two of their early Artist Editions in a slightly downsized, paperback version but there hasn't been any sign of further entries in that format.