Betty Cooper has a sister?

My comics shop got shorted this month on its Life With Archie order, so I got it only last week. I'm still enjoying it, although the "Archie Marries Betty" half is at the moment less interesting than the "Archie Marries Veronica" part.


In "Archie Marries Veronica," Reggie is on trial for paying bribes to the mayor -- it's a long story, but, in short, of course he didn't do it -- so while Betty is the supportive girlfriend, her older sister Polly, an investigative reporter, comes back to town to find out who set Reggie up.


Older sister? What older sister? Since when does Betty have an older sister?

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  • They first appeared as teens in the Little Archie comics of the 60s, were gone for awhile, and then started reappearing as young adults in the 90s.
  • I recently read a story in one of the Digests (an old one), so I don't know the date of the story, in which Betty went to San Francisco to spend a week with her sister Polly, who was a TV news reporter there. Betty was afraid the big city had changed her big-hearted sis, but it wasn't so. She and Chick have shown up on occasion, but not frequently.

    -- MSA

  • Is she married to Chuck Cunningham?
  • Wow. Betty has an older sister and an older brother? It's totally news to me. I've been reading Archie comics off and on (okay, I admit, mostly off) my entire life, and I've never heard of either of them.
  • Ditto here! You'd think that she would have a talk with her little sister about her choice in men!

    BTW, wasn't "Chick" Archie's Golden Age prefered nickname?

    ClarkKent_DC said:

    Wow. Betty has an older sister and an older brother? It's totally news to me. I've been reading Archie comics off and on (okay, I admit, mostly off) my entire life, and I've never heard of either of them.
  • Polly does first appear in the old Bob Bolling Little Archie run, and sporadically ever since. I have a (just completed!) run of Betty's Diary, a title from the late '80s, and she's mentioned there quite a bit. The funniest thing to me is Betty's mother's name. It is (wait for it) Alice Cooper!
  • 1936049335?profile=RESIZE_480x480To put to rest any doubter's concern that we're in cahoots making this up, here's a look at Polly Cooper in her triumphant return to comics after her brief Silver Age run. 

    As David noted, she originally appeared in Adventures of Little Archie  #23 (Summer 1962) and then appeared in #24-26 and #36. 

    Then she disappeared for 25 years (or at least the GCD didn't index her in the meantime) until she reappeared in Betty's Diary #11 (Sep 87), from which the page at left was taken (actually it was taken from B&V Double Digest #108 (Oct 02), which I just happened to be reading earlier this week. Love those garage-sale comics sales!).

    In the story, Betty visits Polly and is glad to find her sister is still down-to-earth even though she now lives in the big city. As proof, she breaks a date with Jason to spend Betty's last night in the city with her, something she also did back when she was in high school, we're told.

    Polly made a few Diary appearances and then went back on the shelf until Betty #4 (Fall 93), after which she's made a bunch of appearances.

    Chick Cooper, meanwhile, has made far fewer appearances (at least that the GCD has indexed), first appearing in Little Archie in Animal Land #19 (Summer 58) and then showing up in five more adventures through the end of 1959.

    He reappeared in Betty #36 (Apr 96) and #37, and that's all there is on him, at least to date.

    I don't know why they don't ever show up, considering it's apparent they haven't been forgotten. I'd think they'd be good for a bunch of story springboards on going to college or becoming an adult, etc. Very few Archie characters have siblings, actually, which is strange considering how much little sibs could add to the story possibilities. Certainly the comics' readers had a lot of annoying little brothers and sisters, so they could've related!

    -- MSA



  • Jughead has a young sister, Jellybean.
  • That's one development in the Archieverse that has led to interesting situations, Doc. I haven't kept up with recent Jughead titles, is she still featured prominently? BTW, anyone curious about the old Betty's Diary title can get a decent sampling fairly cheap (including 3 stories & 1 cameo with Polly) HERE.


    Doc Beechler (mod-MD) said:

    Jughead has a young sister, Jellybean.
  • What? Jughead has a sister, too?
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